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English translation of gentil


The French word 'gentil' is equivalent to the English word 'kind'. It's frequently used to describe someone's character, similar to how it's used in English. You would use 'gentil' when describing someone who is nice, gentle, or kind-hearted. Like the English term, it can be used in various different contexts.

Example sentences using: gentil

Tu es très gentil.

English translation of Tu es très gentil.

You are very kind.

The phrase 'Tu es très gentil.' translates directly to 'You are very kind.' in English. The adjective 'gentil' is being used to describe the second person singlular 'Tu' as a person of kindness.

Mon père est gentil.

English translation of Mon père est gentil.

My father is kind.

The phrase 'Mon père est gentil.' translates directly to 'My father is kind.' in English. The adjective 'gentil' is being used to describe 'Mon père', or my father, as a kind person.

C'est un gentil chat.

English translation of C'est un gentil chat.

It's a kind cat.

The phrase 'C'est un gentil chat.' translates directly to 'It's a kind cat.' in English. The adjective 'gentil' is being used to describe the cat as kind.

Il est gentil de ta part de me l'avoir donné.

English translation of Il est gentil de ta part de me l'avoir donné.

It's kind of you to have given it to me.

The phrase 'Il est gentil de ta part de me l'avoir donné.' translates directly to 'It's kind of you to have given it to me.' in English. The adjective 'gentil' is used to describe a kind action.

Votre ami est très gentil.

English translation of Votre ami est très gentil.

Your friend is very kind.

The phrase 'Votre ami est très gentil.' translates directly to 'Your friend is very kind.' in English. The adjective 'gentil' is used to describe the friend as being very kind.

Il n'est pas toujours gentil.

English translation of Il n'est pas toujours gentil.

He's not always kind.

The phrase 'Il n'est pas toujours gentil.' translates directly to 'He's not always kind.' in English. The adjective 'gentil' is being used to describe a person who is not always kind in their actions.

Elle a un gentil sourire.

English translation of Elle a un gentil sourire.

She has a kind smile.

The phrase 'Elle a un gentil sourire.' translates directly to 'She has a kind smile.' in English. The adjective 'gentil' is used to describe the character of her smile as kind.

Le professeur est gentil avec les étudiants.

English translation of Le professeur est gentil avec les étudiants.

The teacher is kind to the students.

The phrase 'Le professeur est gentil avec les étudiants.' translates directly to 'The teacher is kind to the students.' in English. The adjective 'gentil' is used to describe how the teacher treats the students.

C'est gentil de votre part de lui avoir apporté de la soupe.

English translation of C'est gentil de votre part de lui avoir apporté de la soupe.

It's kind of you to bring him soup.

The phrase 'C'est gentil de votre part de lui avoir apporté de la soupe.' translates directly to 'It's kind of you to bring him soup.' in English. The adjective 'gentil' is being used to describe the kind action of bringing soup to someone.

Soyez gentil et aidez-moi, s'il vous plaît.

English translation of Soyez gentil et aidez-moi, s'il vous plaît.

Be kind and help me, please.

The phrase 'Soyez gentil et aidez-moi, s'il vous plaît.' translates directly to 'Be kind and help me, please.' in English. Here, 'gentil' is behaving as an instruction, asking the person to be kind by helping out.

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