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English translation of général


The French word 'général' is an adjective and it's used in many contexts, similar to the English word 'general'. It can be added before a noun to indicate the unspecific nature of the noun. For example, 'en général' means 'in general' in English.

Example sentences using: général

En général, je prends mon petit déjeuner à 8 heures.

English translation of En général, je prends mon petit déjeuner à 8 heures.

Generally, I have my breakfast at 8 o'clock.

This sentence expresses a regular action that the speaker does. 'En général' here means 'usually' or 'in general'. It's used at the beginning of the sentence to introduce a general fact or habit.

Il est le général de cette armée.

English translation of Il est le général de cette armée.

He is the general of this army.

In this context, 'général' is a noun denoting a high-ranking military officer. It is used directly before 'de' to denote possession or belonging.

Nous voulons un aperçu général du projet.

English translation of Nous voulons un aperçu général du projet.

We want a general overview of the project.

In this case, 'général' means a broad or overall view, not in detail. People often want a 'general overview' when they want to understand the basic features or principles of something.

En règle générale, les chiens sont loyaux.

English translation of En règle générale, les chiens sont loyaux.

As a general rule, dogs are loyal.

'En règle générale' means 'generally' or 'ordinarily'. In this sentence, it is used to introduce a general statement or common belief about dogs.

Je suis le secrétaire général de l'association.

English translation of Je suis le secrétaire général de l'association.

I am the general secretary of the association.

In this context, 'général' identifies a job title. It denotes a wide range of duties or indicates a position of leadership.

L'examen général du patient n'a montré aucune anomalie.

English translation of L'examen général du patient n'a montré aucune anomalie.

The general examination of the patient showed no abnormalities.

Here 'général' means that the examination covers all or most parts of the patient's body, not only a specific one.

C'est une question de sens général.

English translation of C'est une question de sens général.

It's a question of general sense.

In this context, 'général' refers to the main or most important meaning of something without going into specific details.

J'ai le sentiment général qu'il ne viendra pas.

English translation of J'ai le sentiment général qu'il ne viendra pas.

I generally feel that he will not come.

'Sentiment général' signifies an overall impression or belief. In this sentence, the speaker believes that based on the general circumstances, the individual is unlikely to come.

C'est une revue générale des événements de la semaine.

English translation of C'est une revue générale des événements de la semaine.

This is a general review of the events of the week.

Here 'générale' is an adjective used to describe the type of review. It means that the review covers all or most parts of the events that happened in the week, not limited to one specific part.

La satisfaction générale au travail est importante pour le moral des employés.

English translation of La satisfaction générale au travail est importante pour le moral des employés.

General job satisfaction is important for employee morale.

Here 'générale' means overall or not limited to a specific area. In this sentence, it suggests that all factors contributing to job satisfaction matter, not just a single aspect.

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