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English translation of garder


The French word 'garder' is used in a similar context as the English word 'keep'. It is utilized to express the act of holding onto or retaining something. For example, 'Je vais garder ce livre' translates to 'I will keep this book'. It's also used in other contexts such as to watch over or take care of, similar to 'keeping' a pet or 'keeping' an eye on something.

Example sentences using: garder

Elle doit garder son secret.

English translation of Elle doit garder son secret.

She has to keep her secret.

In this context, 'garder' is used to denote the act of keeping a secret. The speaker is stressing on the importance of the subject, 'she', keeping her secret.

Il faut garder le silence dans la bibliothèque.

English translation of Il faut garder le silence dans la bibliothèque.

You have to keep quiet in the library.

Here, 'garder' implies maintaining a condition, which in this case is silence. This is a common use of 'garder' in formal or written French.

Nous devons garder notre chambre propre.

English translation of Nous devons garder notre chambre propre.

We must keep our room clean.

In this sentence, 'garder' is used in the context of maintaining something in a certain state, which shows how versatile the term can be.

Tu peux garder ton emploi si tu travailles dur.

English translation of Tu peux garder ton emploi si tu travailles dur.

You can keep your job if you work hard.

In this example, 'garder' is used to imply retaining or holding onto something - in this instance, a job. It enlightens us on the versatility of the word and its usage in diverse contexts.

Ils veulent garder leur indépendance.

English translation of Ils veulent garder leur indépendance.

They want to keep their independence.

In this sentence, 'garder' refers to the action of preserving or maintaining a state or condition. It highlights the desire of 'they' to remain independent.

Je vais garder un œil sur toi.

English translation of Je vais garder un œil sur toi.

I will keep an eye on you.

This sentence shows another versatile use of 'garder', this time in a metaphorical sense - keeping an eye on someone meaning to watch out or look after them.

Garder la foi, tout ira bien.

English translation of Garder la foi, tout ira bien.

Keep faith, everything will be alright.

In this example, 'garder' expresses the notion of preserving or maintaining a belief or hope in something, demonstrating its varied usage.

Pouvez-vous garder cette place pour moi?

English translation of Pouvez-vous garder cette place pour moi?

Can you keep this place for me?

This sentence uses 'garder' to express the action of reserving or holding something for someone else.

Il aime garder un souvenir de tous ses voyages.

English translation of Il aime garder un souvenir de tous ses voyages.

He likes to keep a souvenir from all his trips.

Here, 'garder' is used to denote the action of keeping a remembrance or a token from each trip, demonstrating how the word can be used in different contexts to express various concepts.

Je vais garder mon sac à dos près de moi.

English translation of Je vais garder mon sac à dos près de moi.

I am going to keep my backpack near me.

In this sentence, 'garder' is used to express the action of keeping or holding something. It illustrates the intention of the speaker to keep his backpack close to him, possibly for safety or convenience.

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