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English translation of frère


The French word for 'brother' is 'frère'. It is used in the same context as in English, referring to a male sibling. It can also be used metaphorically to describe a close bond with someone, like a brotherhood.

Example sentences using: frère

Mon frère vit à Paris.

English translation of Mon frère vit à Paris.

My brother lives in Paris.

The phrase tells us about the residence of the speaker's brother. 'Vit' is the French word for 'lives'.

Mon frère est plus grand que moi.

English translation of Mon frère est plus grand que moi.

My brother is taller than me.

In this sentence, we are comparing the speaker's height to that of his brother. In French, 'plus grand que moi' means 'taller than me'.

Robert est mon frère jumeau.

English translation of Robert est mon frère jumeau.

Robert is my twin brother.

Here, 'jumeau' means twin. In other words, the speaker and Robert are twins.

Je vais au cinéma avec mon frère.

English translation of Je vais au cinéma avec mon frère.

This sentence expresses that the speaker will go to the cinema accompanied by his brother. In French, 'Je vais' means 'I'm going'.


Mon frère s'appelle David.

English translation of Mon frère s'appelle David.

My brother's name is David.

In French, 's'appelle' is used to say someone's name. This sentence tells us that the speaker's brother's name is David.

L'ami de mon frère est très gentil.

English translation of L'ami de mon frère est très gentil.

My brother's friend is very kind.

This phrase describes the character of the person who is a friend of the speaker's brother. 'Gentil' is French for 'kind'.

J'aime jouer au football avec mon frère.

English translation of J'aime jouer au football avec mon frère.

I like playing football with my brother.

The phrase is expressing the speaker's enjoyment when playing football with his brother. 'Jouer' is French for 'play'.

Mon frère apprend l'espagnol à l'école.

English translation of Mon frère apprend l'espagnol à l'école.

My brother is learning Spanish at school.

The phrase indicates that the speaker's brother is currently studying Spanish as a subject at school.

Mon frère a cassé le vase par accident.

English translation of Mon frère a cassé le vase par accident.

My brother broke the vase by accident.

This phrase communicates that the speaker's brother accidentally broke a vase. 'Par accident' in French means 'by accident'.

Mon petit frère ne sait pas nager.

English translation of Mon petit frère ne sait pas nager.

My little brother doesn't know how to swim.

This sentence is communicating that the speaker's younger brother lacks the ability to swim. 'Petit frère' means 'little brother' and 'ne sait pas' means 'doesn't know'.

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