In French, the word 'strong' is translated as 'fort'. It could be used to describe a person's physical strength, an intense flavor or smell, or to describe a strong point of view or argument. Similar to English, the word 'fort' can be used in both a literal and metaphorical context.
He is a strong singer.
Used here, 'fort' indicates the strength or ability of the one who sings.
The wind is strong today.
Here, 'fort' is being used in the literal sense to denote the intensity or strength of the wind.
He is strong in mathematics.
In this context, 'fort' is used to denote prowess or strength in a particular field, in this case, mathematics. The sentence suggests the person being referenced is very good or adept at maths.
I am strong in drawing.
Similar to the first example, 'fort' is used to show expertise or skill in a particular area. Here, the speaker is declaring their ability in drawing.
He always drinks strong coffee.
In this context, 'fort' is used to describe the intensity of flavor or aroma in the coffee, signifying it as 'strong'.
Pierre's opinions are always very strong.
'Fort' in this phrase is used to denote firmness or strength of belief in Pierre's opinions.
Her perfume is too strong.
In this context, 'fort' describes the intensity of the scent of the perfume, indicating it's overpoweringly strong.
It is a strong argument.
'Fort' in this sentence refers to the effectiveness or potency of the argument being made.
She does not like strong cheese.
'Fort' is used to describe the intensity of the flavour or taste of the cheese, suggesting it has a pungent or pronounced flavor.
This medicine is very strong.
'Fort' in this sentence implies the potency or effectiveness of the medicine.