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English translation of force


In French, 'force' is still translated as 'force'. It is used in various contexts much like in English, referring to strength or energy as an attribute of physical action or movement, coercion or compulsion, especially with the use of threats or violence, or a natural phenomenon regarded as a controllable or manageable, such as the forces of nature. For example, 'La force du vent' means 'The force of the wind'.

Example sentences using: force

La force de l'eau est vraiment impressionnante.

English translation of La force de l'eau est vraiment impressionnante.

The strength of the water is really impressive.

This sentence uses 'force' to describe the physical power of water, emphasizing its ability to exert pressure or cause changes.

Il a une force incroyable pour quelqu'un de sa taille.

English translation of Il a une force incroyable pour quelqu'un de sa taille.

He has incredible strength for someone of his size.

In this sentence, 'force' is used to refer to physical strength or the capacity of an individual to execute heavy tasks or activities.

Le vent soufflait avec assez de force pour faire tomber les arbres.

English translation of Le vent soufflait avec assez de force pour faire tomber les arbres.

The wind was blowing hard enough to knock down trees.

In this context, 'force' is used to describe the strength or intensity of the wind.

La force de cette équipe réside dans son unité.

English translation of La force de cette équipe réside dans son unité.

The strength of this team lies in its unity.

This sentence uses 'force' to express the power or effectiveness of unity within a team in contributing to its success.

Le tigre a beaucoup de force dans ses mâchoires.

English translation of Le tigre a beaucoup de force dans ses mâchoires.

The tiger has a lot of strength in its jaws.

In this sentence, 'force' refers to the physical power exerted by the tiger’s jaws when biting.

La force est en toi.

English translation of La force est en toi.

The strength is within you.

This sentence uses 'force' to indicate that a person possesses the power or strength within themselves, usually referred to inner strength or character.

Il fait ses exercices avec trop de force.

English translation of Il fait ses exercices avec trop de force.

He does his exercises with too much strength.

The sentence uses 'force' to describe how much physical power is being exerted in doing the exercises.

Son discours a pris de la force grâce à son vécu.

English translation of Son discours a pris de la force grâce à son vécu.

His speech gained strength from his experiences.

Here, 'force' is used to describe the influence or impact of an individual’s personal experiences on the power or effectiveness of their speech.

L'armée a recours à la force pour maintenir la paix.

English translation of L'armée a recours à la force pour maintenir la paix.

The army uses force to maintain peace.

Here, 'force' refers to the military power or strength used to enforce peace.

C'est la force de tes convictions qui t’a guidé.

English translation of C'est la force de tes convictions qui t’a guidé.

It's the strength of your convictions that has guided you.

This sentence uses 'force' to express the power or impact of an individual's beliefs in guiding their actions or decisions.

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