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flocons de neige

English translation of flocons de neige


The French equivalent of 'snowflakes' is 'flocons de neige'. It is used the same as in English, to describe the small individual pieces of snow that fall from the sky during a snowfall. Example: 'Les flocons de neige tombent du ciel', which means 'The snowflakes are falling from the sky.'

Example sentences using: flocons de neige

Les flocons de neige tombent doucement sur la ville.

English translation of Les flocons de neige tombent doucement sur la ville.

Snowflakes are gently falling on the city.

This sentence is used to describe a situation where it's snowing lightly over the city.

J'ai raté le spectacle de flocons de neige hier soir.

English translation of J'ai raté le spectacle de flocons de neige hier soir.

I missed the snowflake show last night.

Here the speaker is expressing regret about missing a potentially lovely view of falling snow.

Chaque flocons de neige est unique.

English translation of Chaque flocons de neige est unique.

Each snowflake is unique.

This statement is referring to the widely accepted fact that every snowflake has a unique shape and structure.

Les flocons de neige ont couvert les montagnes.

English translation of Les flocons de neige ont couvert les montagnes.

The snowflakes have covered the mountains.

The speaker is indicating that a snowfall has resulted in a blanket of snow on the mountains.

Les enfants aiment attraper les flocons de neige sur leurs langues.

English translation of Les enfants aiment attraper les flocons de neige sur leurs langues.

Children like to catch snowflakes on their tongues.

This statement indicates a common playful act performed by children during snowfalls.

Les flocons de neige sont le symbole d'un hiver blanc et pur.

English translation of Les flocons de neige sont le symbole d'un hiver blanc et pur.

Snowflakes are the symbol of a white and pure winter.

In this sentence, snowflakes are described as symbolizing a typical white winter.

Les flocons de neige ont commencé à fondre au contact du sol.

English translation of Les flocons de neige ont commencé à fondre au contact du sol.

The snowflakes began to melt upon contact with the ground.

This statement describes a situation where falling snowflakes immediately melt upon touching the ground, perhaps due to mild temperatures.

Il a capturé la beauté des flocons de neige avec son appareil photo.

English translation of Il a capturé la beauté des flocons de neige avec son appareil photo.

He captured the beauty of the snowflakes with his camera.

In this sentence, an individual is using a camera to take photographs of falling snowflakes, perhaps to marvel at their intricate design or the overall scenic beauty.

Le ciel a commencé à remplir de flocons de neige.

English translation of Le ciel a commencé à remplir de flocons de neige.

The sky began to fill with snowflakes.

This sentence describes the beginning of a snowfall, with the sky starting to fill with falling snowflakes.

Elle décorait l'arbre avec des flocons de neige en plastique.

English translation of Elle décorait l'arbre avec des flocons de neige en plastique.

She decorated the tree with plastic snowflakes.

In this sentence, a woman is using decorative items shaped like snowflakes to decorate a tree, perhaps for Christmas.

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