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English translation of finir


The French word 'finir' translates to 'finish' in English. It is used in various contexts, such as when a task is completed. Like in English, its context may be literal, as in finishing a meal (finir un repas), or more figurative, as in finishing a task (finir une tâche). It is also used in phrases such as 'finir par' which means 'end up'. The word is subject to conjugation based on tense and subject.

Example sentences using: finir

J'aime finir mes devoirs tôt.

English translation of J'aime finir mes devoirs tôt.

I like to finish my homework early.

This sentence is using 'finir' to express completing an action, specifically, completing homework.

Elle ne veut pas finir son assiette.

English translation of Elle ne veut pas finir son assiette.

She doesn't want to finish her plate.

This sentence uses 'finir' to mean 'to finish eating the food on her plate'.

Il essaye de finir son roman avant le weekend.

English translation of Il essaye de finir son roman avant le weekend.

He tries to finish his novel before the weekend.

Here, 'finir' implies completing the action of reading a novel.

Tu devrais finir ton projet avant qu'il ne soit trop tard.

English translation of Tu devrais finir ton projet avant qu'il ne soit trop tard.

You should finish your project before it's too late.

In this example, the verb 'finir' is used to denote 'to complete', especially referring here to a project.

Nous aimons finir la journée avec une promenade.

English translation of Nous aimons finir la journée avec une promenade.

We like to finish the day with a walk.

In this sentence, 'finir' is used to denote the ending of an event, which is the day, with an activity, which is a walk in this case.

Voudriez-vous finir cette bouteille de vin?

English translation of Voudriez-vous finir cette bouteille de vin?

Would you like to finish this bottle of wine?

Here, 'finir' is used to mean 'finish drinking' the bottle of wine.

Je dois finir ce livre avant demain.

English translation of Je dois finir ce livre avant demain.

I have to finish this book before tomorrow.

In this context, 'finir' is used to mean 'to finish reading' a book.

Elles veulent finir le tournoi en bonne place.

English translation of Elles veulent finir le tournoi en bonne place.

They want to finish the tournament in a good position.

This sentence uses 'finir' in the context of completing a sporting event - in this case, a tournament.

Je prévois de finir ce projet la semaine prochaine.

English translation of Je prévois de finir ce projet la semaine prochaine.

I plan to finish this project next week.

Here, 'finir' implies completing an action, specifically, a project in the next week.

Nous devons finir la préparation avant l'arrivée des invités.

English translation of Nous devons finir la préparation avant l'arrivée des invités.

We need to finish the preparation before the guests arrive.

In this context, 'finir' is used to imply the completion of a task - in this case, preparation for guests.

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