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English translation of fille


The French word for 'girl' is 'fille'. It is used in the same way as in English, referring to a young human female. One thing to remember is, gender is very important in French grammar. 'Fille' is a feminine noun, and must be used with the correct articles and adjectives. For example, 'the girl' would be 'la fille', and 'a beautiful girl' would be 'une belle fille'.

Example sentences using: fille

La fille parle français.

English translation of La fille parle français.

The girl speaks French.

'Parle' is the present tense conjugation of the verb 'parler', which means 'to speak'.

La fille dort.

English translation of La fille dort.

The girl is sleeping.

The verb 'dort' means 'is sleeping'. It is the third person singular of the verb 'dormir', which means 'to sleep'.

Je suis une fille.

English translation of Je suis une fille.

I am a girl.

This is an example of a personal pronoun, 'je', which means 'I'. 'Suis' is the first person singular of the verb 'être', which means 'to be'.

La fille de mon ami est gentille.

English translation of La fille de mon ami est gentille.

My friend's daughter is nice.

In French, possessives are expressed with 'de', so 'de mon ami' means 'of my friend' or 'my friend's.

La fille est jolie.

English translation of La fille est jolie.

The girl is pretty.

This is a basic sentence in French which is directly translating that the girl is pretty. The word 'la' is a definite article in French which translates to 'the' in English.

C'est ma fille.

English translation of C'est ma fille.

This is my daughter.

In this sentence, 'fille' is used to denote 'daughter'. 'C'est' is a form of 'this is' in French.

La petite fille mange une pomme.

English translation of La petite fille mange une pomme.

The little girl is eating an apple.

Here, 'petite fille' is used for 'little girl'. The French verb 'mange' translates to 'is eating' in English.

Votre fille est très intelligente.

English translation of Votre fille est très intelligente.

Your daughter is very smart.

'Votre' is the possessive adjective 'your'; 'très' means 'very' and 'intelligente' means 'smart'.

La fille a un joli chapeau.

English translation of La fille a un joli chapeau.

The girl has a pretty hat.

'Un' is the indefinite article in French, which can mean 'a' or 'an' in English.

Elle est une fille unique.

English translation of Elle est une fille unique.

She is an only girl.

'Elle' is a personal pronoun that means 'she'. 'Unique' corresponds to 'only' in English in this context.

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