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English translation of expérience


The French word 'expérience' translates to 'experience' in English. It can be used in various contexts such as work experience ('expérience de travail') or life experience ('expérience de vie'). Like in English, it can refer to the knowledge or skill gained over time, or an event or occurrence which leaves an impression. However, it is also important to know the context it is used in as it could also mean experiment, as in a scientific experiment.

Example sentences using: expérience

J'ai beaucoup appris de cette expérience.

English translation of J'ai beaucoup appris de cette expérience.

I learned a lot from this experience.

In this example, 'expérience' is referring to a past event or situation from which the speaker gained new knowledge or understanding.

L'expérience est le meilleur professeur.

English translation of L'expérience est le meilleur professeur.

Experience is the best teacher.

In this sentence, 'expérience' is used metaphorically to suggest that personal experiences often provide more valuable learning than formal education.

Je n'ai pas assez d'expérience pour ce poste.

English translation of Je n'ai pas assez d'expérience pour ce poste.

I don't have enough experience for this position.

'Expérience' is being used here to refer to the skills or knowledge gained through doing a particular job.

Il a tiré des leçons importantes de cette expérience.

English translation of Il a tiré des leçons importantes de cette expérience.

He drew important lessons from this experience.

In this example, 'expérience' is used to refer to a past event or situation from which the person has learned important lessons.

L'expérience utilisateur est une priorité pour nous.

English translation of L'expérience utilisateur est une priorité pour nous.

The user experience is a priority for us.

Here, 'expérience' refers to the interaction that someone has with a product, system, or service. In this case, it's about a user's entire experience with a product or service.

C'était une expérience inoubliable.

English translation of C'était une expérience inoubliable.

It was an unforgettable experience.

In this instance, 'expérience' refers to an event or situation that was so significant that the speaker will always remember it.

Nous devons tirer parti de notre expérience passée.

English translation of Nous devons tirer parti de notre expérience passée.

We must take advantage of our past experience.

'Expérience' in this context refers to the knowledge or skills that have been accumulated over time.

Avez-vous de l'expérience en gestion de projet ?

English translation of Avez-vous de l'expérience en gestion de projet ?

Do you have experience in project management?

'Expérience' here refers to the previous time spent with a specific activity or occupation, in this case, project management.

L'expérience montre que la patience est une vertu.

English translation of L'expérience montre que la patience est une vertu.

Experience shows that patience is a virtue.

This sentence which uses 'expérience' suggests that knowledge gained from living and observing life shows that patience is indeed a valuable quality.

Sa vaste expérience dans le domaine lui donne un avantage.

English translation of Sa vaste expérience dans le domaine lui donne un avantage.

His vast experience in the field gives him an advantage.

In this sentence, 'expérience' means the lengthy and in-depth exposure to a particular field or profession, which provides the person with an edge.

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