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English translation of étoile


The French word 'étoile' translates as 'star' in English. It can be used in the same context as in English, pertaining to a natural object visible in the sky when dark or a famous person or personality. For example, 'Il y a beaucoup d'étoiles dans le ciel ce soir' means 'There are a lot of stars in the sky tonight'. Another example is 'Il est une étoile du cinéma' meaning 'He is a movie star'.

Example sentences using: étoile

L'étoile brille dans le ciel nocturne.

English translation of L'étoile brille dans le ciel nocturne.

The star shines in the night sky.

This phrase is often used to describe a star in the sky which is especially bright or noticeable.

Je suis tombée sous l'étoile de ton charme.

English translation of Je suis tombée sous l'étoile de ton charme.

I fell under the star of your charm.


Elle est une étoile montante dans son domaine.

English translation of Elle est une étoile montante dans son domaine.

She is a rising star in her field.

This phrase is usually used to describe someone who is quickly gaining recognition, success, or prominence in their profession or area of expertise.

L'étoile guide les marins à la maison.

English translation of L'étoile guide les marins à la maison.

The star guides the sailors home.

This phrase comes from historical practices where sailors would navigate using the stars. It symbolizes guidance or direction.

C'est ton heure de briller, mon étoile.

English translation of C'est ton heure de briller, mon étoile.

It's your time to shine, my star.

This phrase is often used to encourage someone to be confident and take their chance or opportunity. 'My star' is an affectionate term of endearment.

Cherchez l'étoile du nord pour vous guider.

English translation of Cherchez l'étoile du nord pour vous guider.

Search for the North Star to guide you.

This phrase symbolizes following a guiding principle or goal to help navigate through life or a certain situation.

Elle a les yeux qui brillent comme des étoiles.

English translation of Elle a les yeux qui brillent comme des étoiles.

She has eyes that shine like stars.

This phrase is a metaphorical way to describe someone's eyes as being bright, lively, or sparkling.

L'étoile symbolise l'espoir et la direction.

English translation of L'étoile symbolise l'espoir et la direction.

The star symbolizes hope and direction.

This phrase refers to the common symbolism of stars as representative of hope, dreams, goals, or guidance.

Il a dessiné une étoile sur le drapeau.

English translation of Il a dessiné une étoile sur le drapeau.

He drew a star on the flag.

This phrase literally describes someone drawing a star on a flag. Stars on flags are often used to represent states or territories.

Je veux être ton étoile brillante dans l'obscurité.

English translation of Je veux être ton étoile brillante dans l'obscurité.

I want to be your shining star in the darkness.

This is a romantic phrase often used to express someone's intention to be a beacon of support, guidance, or happiness for their loved one, especially during difficult times.

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