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English translation of été


The word 'été' is used in French to represent the warmest season of the year, typically taking place from June to September in the Northern hemisphere. It is often used in the same context as in English, relating to vacations, outdoor activities, and long days. For example, 'J'aime l'été' translates to 'I love summer'.

Example sentences using: été

L'été dernier, nous sommes allés en France.

English translation of L'été dernier, nous sommes allés en France.

Last summer, we went to France.

In this phrase, 'L'été dernier' translates as 'Last summer'. It expresses when a past action (going to France) took place.

J'aime les fruits d'été comme les fraises.

English translation of J'aime les fruits d'été comme les fraises.

The phrase 'les fruits d'été' translates as 'summer fruits'. This denotes fruits that are typically ripe or in season during the summer months.


Elle porte des robes légères en été.

English translation of Elle porte des robes légères en été.

She wears light dresses in summer.

'En été' can be translated as 'in summer'. It is referring to the season in which the action (wearing light dresses) is taken.

Nous campons souvent en été.

English translation of Nous campons souvent en été.

We often camp in summer.

'En été' meaning 'in summer' is used here to denote the time of year when the action (camping) is typically done.

L'été est ma saison préférée.

English translation of L'été est ma saison préférée.

Summer is my favorite season.

Here, 'L'été' simply refers to 'summer' as the subject of the sentence.

J'ai lu plusieurs livres cet été.

English translation of J'ai lu plusieurs livres cet été.

I read several books this summer.

'cet été' translates as 'this summer', indicating when the action (reading several books) happened.

Les journées d'été sont longues.

English translation of Les journées d'été sont longues.

The summer days are long.

The phrase 'les journées d'été' translates as 'the summer days'. This conveys the idea that during summer, days feel longer than during other seasons.

L'été prochain, je vais visiter l'Italie.

English translation of L'été prochain, je vais visiter l'Italie.

Next summer, I'm going to visit Italy.

'L'été prochain' can be translated as 'Next summer'. It expresses a future event (visiting Italy).

En été, j'aime manger des glaces.

English translation of En été, j'aime manger des glaces.

In summer, I like to eat ice cream.

'En été' means 'In summer', indicating the time when the action (eating ice cream) is enjoyed.

Je nage beaucoup pendant l'été.

English translation of Je nage beaucoup pendant l'été.

I swim a lot during the summer.

'Pendant l'été' roughly translates as 'during the summer'. It sets the timeframe for when the action (swimming a lot) takes place.

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