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English translation of État


The French word 'État' is equivalent to the English word 'state'. It can be used as a noun in a variety of contexts, such as to denote a country or nation ('État'), a physical condition or status ('état'), or one of the member territories of a federal country such as the USA ('état'). Just like in English, it changes meaning based on its context.

Example sentences using: État

Le Président de l'État s'est adressé à la nation aujourd'hui.

English translation of Le Président de l'État s'est adressé à la nation aujourd'hui.

The President of the State addressed the nation today.


L'État a décidé d'augmenter les taxes cette année.

English translation of L'État a décidé d'augmenter les taxes cette année.

The State has decided to increase taxes this year.

Here, 'État' is used in a context where it implies the administrative body of a country or territory. This body has the authority to make decisions like changing tax rates.

L'État de New York est connu pour la ville de New York.

English translation of L'État de New York est connu pour la ville de New York.

The State of New York is known for New York City.

In this context, 'État' signifies a region or territory within a federation, specifically referring to the U.S. state of New York, known for the city of the same name.

Dans cet État, la majorité des habitants parlent français.

English translation of Dans cet État, la majorité des habitants parlent français.

In this State, the majority of residents speak French.

The word 'État' here is referring to a specific geographical area under the jurisdiction of a particular government where most residents speak French.

C'est un État de droit.

English translation of C'est un État de droit.

It's a state of law.

This usage of 'État' refers to a nation or country where the rule of law is respected, meaning that all people, including those in power, are equally subject to law.

En France, l'État gère les hôpitaux publics.

English translation of En France, l'État gère les hôpitaux publics.

In France, the State manages public hospitals.

In this instance,'État' refers to the French government, which is responsible for managing public healthcare facilities.

Je suis en État d'arrestation.

English translation of Je suis en État d'arrestation.

I am under arrest.

Here, 'État' is part of an idiomatic expression that translates directly as 'state of arrest'. It means that the speaker is currently being detained by law enforcement.

Elle est en État de choc.

English translation of Elle est en État de choc.

She is in a state of shock.

In this sentence, 'État' is part of an idiom meaning a condition or situation. Here it refers to a disturbed psychological state following a distressing event.

L'État a déclaré l'état d'urgence.

English translation of L'État a déclaré l'état d'urgence.

The State has declared a state of emergency.

In this context, 'État' is used twice with two different meanings. At first, it's referring to government or political organization declaring a state of emergency, which is a situation of national danger or disaster.

L'État est responsable de la protection de ses citoyens.

English translation of L'État est responsable de la protection de ses citoyens.

The State is responsible for the protection of its citizens.

In this sentence, 'État' refers to government or political organization that governs a nation or territory. It connotes that such political entity is expected to ensure the safety and well being of the people within its jurisdiction.

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