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English translation of est


In French, the word 'east' is translated as 'est'. It is used exactly like in English to refer to the cardinal direction. For example, in the phrase 'il vient de l'est' the translation would be 'he comes from the east'. It's simple to use and the pronunciation is very similar to the English version of the word.

Example sentences using: est

Mon anniversaire est demain.

English translation of Mon anniversaire est demain.

My birthday is tomorrow.

This phrase uses 'est' as the verb 'to be', to indicate when the speaker's birthday is.

Où est la bibliothèque?

English translation of Où est la bibliothèque?

Where is the library?

In this question, 'est' is used as a part of 'où est', which translates to 'where is'. Here it's used to inquire the location of the library.

Le ciel est bleu.

English translation of Le ciel est bleu.

The sky is blue.

This phrase also uses 'est' as the verb 'to be' in the third person singular, 'it'. It makes a simple factual statement about the color of the sky.

La vie est belle.

English translation of La vie est belle.

Life is beautiful.

This sentence employs 'est', the verb 'to be', to establish an evaluation or opinion about life - that it is beautiful.

Ce travail est difficile.

English translation of Ce travail est difficile.

This work is difficult.

This phrase uses 'est' as part of 'ce travail est', which translates to 'this work is'. Here it's used to express an opinion about the difficulty level of the work.

Il est en train de manger.

English translation of Il est en train de manger.

He is eating.

This phrase uses the word 'est', which is the third person singular form of 'être' (to be) in French. Here it is used in a continuous tense construction ('en train de') to say 'he is in the process of eating'.

C'est un bon livre.

English translation of C'est un bon livre.

This phrase uses 'est', which is derived from the verb 'être' (to be). 'C'est' is a French contraction of 'cela est', translating to 'this is' or 'it is' in English. Here, it is used to express an opinion about the book.


Elle est belle.

English translation of Elle est belle.

She is beautiful.

This phrase also uses 'est', the verb 'to be', referring to the third person singular feminine 'elle' (she). 'Est belle' translates to 'is beautiful' in English, showcasing an adjectival description of the female subject.

Quelle heure est-il?

English translation of Quelle heure est-il?

What time is it?

In this question, 'est' is used as part of the standard phrase 'heure est-il' which is the formal way to ask the time in French, literally meaning 'what hour is it'.

Paris est la capitale de la France.

English translation of Paris est la capitale de la France.

Paris is the capital of France.

This sentence uses 'est' to express a factual statement - that Paris is the capital of France. 'Est' is employed as the verb 'to be' in the third person singular.

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