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English translation of endroit


The French word 'endroit' corresponds to the English word 'place'. It is prevalently used to refer to a location or area. For example, when you want to say 'This is my favorite place', you would say 'C'est mon endroit préféré' in French. However, please note that 'place' may have different translations according to its context, another common translation is 'place' in French which is used when referring to a spot or a room for someone or something.

Example sentences using: endroit

J'aime cet endroit.

English translation of J'aime cet endroit.

I like this place.

The term ‘endroit’ here is used to convey a person’s liking or affection for a particular place or location.

Cet endroit est très bruyant.

English translation of Cet endroit est très bruyant.

This place is very noisy.

In this example, ‘endroit’ is used in describing a characteristic of a place, which is noisy. It gives an understanding of how the speaker feels about the place.

L'endroit est propre et bien rangé.

English translation of L'endroit est propre et bien rangé.

The place is clean and tidy.

In this context, 'endroit' refers to a particular location or space that is described as being very neat and orderly.

Je ne connais pas cet endroit.

English translation of Je ne connais pas cet endroit.

I don't know this place.

Here, 'endroit' represents an unknown location or place to the speaker.

Cet endroit me rappelle des souvenirs.

English translation of Cet endroit me rappelle des souvenirs.

This place brings back memories.

The term 'endroit' here represents a location that evokes or brings back particular memories for the individual.

L'endroit est plein de monde.

English translation of L'endroit est plein de monde.

The place is crowded.

In this sentence, 'endroit' is used to describe a place that is full of people or densely populated.

C'est un endroit paisible.

English translation of C'est un endroit paisible.

It's a peaceful place.

Here, 'endroit' is used to describe a place with the characteristic of being serene or undisturbed.

Je suis arrivé à l'endroit convenu.

English translation of Je suis arrivé à l'endroit convenu.

I arrived at the agreed place.

In this sentence, 'endroit' refers to a specific location that the speaker has previously agreed upon to meet or arrive at.

Cet endroit est dangereux la nuit.

English translation of Cet endroit est dangereux la nuit.

This place is dangerous at night.

In this context, 'endroit' is applied to refer to an area or location that is characterized as being unsafe or dangerous during the nighttime.

C'est un bon endroit pour manger.

English translation of C'est un bon endroit pour manger.

It's a good place to eat.

In this sentence, ‘endroit’ is used to refer to a place, location or spot. Here, the person is saying that it is a good spot to eat at.

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