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English translation of employé


The French word for 'employee' is 'employé'. It is used in much the same way as in English, to refer to a person who is hired to provide services to a company on a regular basis in exchange for compensation and who does not provide these services as part of an independent business. Remember, French nouns have a gender, and 'employé' is masculine. If you want to refer to a female employee, you would say 'employée'.

Example sentences using: employé

L'employé travaille dur toute la journée.

English translation of L'employé travaille dur toute la journée.

The employee works hard all day.

This phrase describes an employee who is laboring tirelessly throughout the entire day.

Je suis un employé loyal envers ma compagnie.

English translation of Je suis un employé loyal envers ma compagnie.

I am a loyal employee to my company.

This phrase lends an insight into the speaker's personality - stating that they are faithful and how they view their relationship towards the company they are working for.

Il est important de respecter chaque employé.

English translation of Il est important de respecter chaque employé.

It's important to respect each employee.

The phrase suggests the importance of showing respect to each employee in a workspace which can possibly lead to a healthier work environment.

Mon père était un employé dévoué à son travail.

English translation of Mon père était un employé dévoué à son travail.

My father was a dedicated employee to his job.

This phrase speaks about a person's father - characterizing him as an individual devoted to his professional duties.

L'employé toujours souriant est apprécié par tous.

English translation of L'employé toujours souriant est apprécié par tous.

The always smiling employee is appreciated by everyone.

This phrase portrays an employee who always seems to be cheerful and well-liked by the people around them.

L'employé a besoin de vacances bien méritées.

English translation of L'employé a besoin de vacances bien méritées.

The employee needs well-deserved holidays.

This phrase empathizes with an employee who has apparently been working hard and hence, deserves a break or a holiday.

L'employé est responsable de la sécurité du bureau.

English translation of L'employé est responsable de la sécurité du bureau.

The employee is responsible for the office security.

This phrase points out a specific responsibility of the employee, in this case, the safety and security of the office premises.

L'employé est apprécié pour sa ponctualité.

English translation of L'employé est apprécié pour sa ponctualité.

The employee is appreciated for his punctuality.

This phrase praises an employee for their habit of being on time, signifying that punctuality is valued.

L'employé prépare le café tous les matins.

English translation of L'employé prépare le café tous les matins.

The employee prepares the coffee every morning.

This phrase talks about a regular task that the employee performs - preparing coffee each morning, likely part of their daily routine.

L'employé a fait une erreur dans son travail.

English translation of L'employé a fait une erreur dans son travail.

The employee made a mistake in his work.

This phrase talks about an employee who has made a mistake in his duties, probably highlighting the human tendency towards errors.

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