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English translation of elle-même


In French, 'elle-même' is used when referring to a female subject in the context of having done an action to herself. It is the equivalent of 'herself' in English. This can apply across several contexts, including both physical and metaphorical actions, similar to how the term is used in English.

Example sentences using: elle-même

Elle a résolu le problème elle-même.

English translation of Elle a résolu le problème elle-même.

She solved the problem herself.

The phrase 'elle-même' emphasizes that she, independently, solved the problem.

Elle a fait le travail elle-même.

English translation of Elle a fait le travail elle-même.

She did the work herself.

In this instance, 'elle-même' refers that she, without any help, did the work.

Elle-même a décidé de partir.

English translation of Elle-même a décidé de partir.

She decided to leave herself.

This phrase is used when the subject of the sentence decides for themselves without the influence of anyone else. Here, 'elle-même' is used to emphasize the fact that the person herself made the decision.

Elle a fait cela par elle-même.

English translation of Elle a fait cela par elle-même.

She did it by herself.

In this sentence, 'elle-même' is used to denote that she, on her own, accomplished the said action.

Elle-même ne comprend pas sa décision.

English translation of Elle-même ne comprend pas sa décision.

Even she herself doesn't understand her decision.

Here, 'elle-même' is highlighting her own confusion about her decision.

C'est elle-même qui a tout organisé.

English translation of C'est elle-même qui a tout organisé.

She herself organized everything.

'Elle-même' is used to highlight that it was her, and no one else, who organized everything.

Elle-même l'a admis.

English translation of Elle-même l'a admis.

She herself admitted it.

This sentence is used when we want to refer that the speaker is emphasizing her own admission.

Elle a corrigé l'erreur elle-même.

English translation of Elle a corrigé l'erreur elle-même.

She corrected the mistake herself.

In this sentence, 'elle-même' indicates the fact that she, all by herself, corrected the mistake.

Elle parle souvent d'elle-même.

English translation of Elle parle souvent d'elle-même.

She often talks about herself.

'Elle-même' is used here to indicate that she is the topic of her own discussions.

Elle-même a choisi sa robe.

English translation of Elle-même a choisi sa robe.

She chose her dress herself.

This phrase is used when the speaker wants to express that she, personally, chose her dress.

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