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English translation of église


The word 'église' is used in French to represent a place of Christian worship. It's normally used in the same contexts as 'church' in English. For instance, 'Je vais à l'église chaque dimanche' translates in English as 'I go to church every Sunday.'

Example sentences using: église

L'église est au centre du village.

English translation of L'église est au centre du village.

The church is in the center of the village.

This sentence shows the use of 'église' in the context of village geography. The preposition 'au' indicates the location of the church.

La messe de minuit à l'église est sacrée.

English translation of La messe de minuit à l'église est sacrée.

The midnight mass at the church is sacred.


Je me suis mariée dans cette église.

English translation of Je me suis mariée dans cette église.

I got married in this church.

Here, 'église' is used in a personal memory, indicating that the speaker was once married in the mentioned church.

L'église est remplie de fidèles le dimanche.

English translation of L'église est remplie de fidèles le dimanche.

The church is filled with believers on Sundays.

This expression illustrates that 'église' is a place where believers or church goers gather, typically on Sundays for worship.

Cet artiste a peint une église dans son tableau.

English translation of Cet artiste a peint une église dans son tableau.

This artist painted a church in his painting.

In this context, 'église' refers to a subject in a painting, highlighting its visual and aesthetic appeal as a structure.

Il nous a montré une photo de l’église de son quartier.

English translation of Il nous a montré une photo de l’église de son quartier.

He showed us a picture of the church in his neighborhood.

Here, 'église' is mentioned as a significant landmark in a person's neighbourhood, in the context of sharing photographs.

Nous avons visité une vieille église en Bretagne.

English translation of Nous avons visité une vieille église en Bretagne.

We visited an old church in Brittany.

In this sentence, 'église' is introduced as part of a travel experience, indicating its relevance as a tourist attraction.

L'église sonne les cloches à midi.

English translation of L'église sonne les cloches à midi.

The church bells ring at noon.

This usage reflects a common practice in many churches worldwide - ringing the bells at specific times. Here, 'église' also refers to the collective institution responsible for this practice.

La construction de l'église a duré dix ans.

English translation of La construction de l'église a duré dix ans.

The construction of the church lasted ten years.

In this expression, 'église' is referred to as a structure whose construction process spanned over a decade. It states the significant effort and time required to build a church.

Cette église est un chef-d'œuvre architectural.

English translation of Cette église est un chef-d'œuvre architectural.

This church is an architectural masterpiece.

In this context, 'église' is recognized for its architectural significance, being described as a masterpiece.

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