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English translation of effet


The French word 'effet' translates to 'effect' in English. It can be used in various contexts just as in English. For instance, it can define the result or consequence of an action. Similar to its English counterpart, 'effet' can also be used to express a particular impression or atmosphere that an object or person projects. For example, 'Cela a un effet apaisant' translates to 'It has a soothing effect'. It's well integrated in the French language and can be spotted in many necessary conversations.

Example sentences using: effet

L'effet de ce médicament est très rapide.

English translation of L'effet de ce médicament est très rapide.

The effect of this drug is very quick.

This phrase refers to the swift action or impact produced by a particular drug on the human body.

Cet acte a un effet destructeur.

English translation of Cet acte a un effet destructeur.

This act has a destructive effect.

Here, 'effet' is used to describe the negative consequence or result of a particular action.

L'effet de la lumière sur la peinture était magnifique.

English translation of L'effet de la lumière sur la peinture était magnifique.

The effect of the light on the paint was magnificent.

This sentence uses 'effet' to express the beautiful impact of light on a painting.

L'effet de serre est un problème global.

English translation of L'effet de serre est un problème global.

The greenhouse effect is a global issue.

In this context, 'effet' refers to a natural process that warms the Earth's surface, the greenhouse effect.

Cette ruine a un effet fantomatique la nuit.

English translation of Cette ruine a un effet fantomatique la nuit.

This ruin has a ghostly effect at night.

The phrase uses 'effet' to describe the eerie or spooky experience related to a ruin during the night.

L'effet papillon peut causer un chaos imprévisible.

English translation of L'effet papillon peut causer un chaos imprévisible.

The butterfly effect can cause unpredictable chaos.

'Effet' in this case refers to the Butterfly Effect, a concept in chaos theory stating small changes can cause large effects unpredictably.

La magie a toujours un effet sur moi.

English translation of La magie a toujours un effet sur moi.

Magic always has an effect on me.

This sentence uses 'effet' to indicate an influence or a strong emotional response triggered by magic.

Le bruit a un effet négatif sur ma concentration.

English translation of Le bruit a un effet négatif sur ma concentration.

The noise has a negative effect on my concentration.

In this instance, 'effet' is used to describe how the presence of noise adversely affects one's ability to concentrate.

La musique a un grand effet sur l'humeur humaine.

English translation of La musique a un grand effet sur l'humeur humaine.

Music has a great effect on human mood.

Here, 'effet' is used to discuss the powerful role music can play in influencing or altering human mood.

L'effet de cette décision sera ressenti pendant des années.

English translation of L'effet de cette décision sera ressenti pendant des années.

The effect of this decision will be felt for years.

This phrase refers to the long-lasting impact or consequence of a particular decision, using the term 'effet'.

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