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English translation of éducation


In French, the word for 'education' is 'éducation'. Much like in English, it gets used widely in discussions about schooling, teaching, and learning. It can refer to both the process of instructing or the system by which one is instructed. Examples of usage in sentences are: 'Je suis en charge de l'éducation de mes enfants' which means 'I am in charge of my children's education' or 'L'éducation est essentielle pour le développement' which translates to 'Education is essential for development'.

Example sentences using: éducation

L'éducation est la clé du succès.

English translation of L'éducation est la clé du succès.

Education is the key to success.

This phrase expresses the idea that through education, an individual can improve their circumstances and reach their goals.

Nous devons investir dans l'éducation de nos enfants.

English translation of Nous devons investir dans l'éducation de nos enfants.

We must invest in our children's education.

This phrase emphasizes the importance of investing time, money, and resources into the education of the younger generation for their development and future success.

La qualité de l'éducation a un impact direct sur notre avenir.

English translation of La qualité de l'éducation a un impact direct sur notre avenir.

The quality of education has a direct impact on our future.

This phrase highlights that the standard of education one receives can significantly affect their opportunities and life trajectory.

L'éducation devrait être accessible à tous.

English translation of L'éducation devrait être accessible à tous.

Education should be accessible to everyone.

This phrase advocates for equal opportunity in education, regardless of socioeconomic status, race, or geographical location.

L'éducation peut nous aider à comprendre le monde autour de nous.

English translation of L'éducation peut nous aider à comprendre le monde autour de nous.

Education can help us understand the world around us.

This phrase speaks to the powerful role of education in enhancing our understanding of different cultures, societies, and our place within them.

Il faut une éducation solide pour réussir dans la vie.

English translation of Il faut une éducation solide pour réussir dans la vie.

In order to succeed in life, you need a solid education.

This phrase expresses the widely held belief that education equips people with the necessary skills, knowledge, and attitudes to be successful in life.

L'éducation sexuelle devrait être enseignée à l'école.

English translation of L'éducation sexuelle devrait être enseignée à l'école.

Sexual education should be taught in schools.

This phrase highlights a need for students to receive appropriate information on sexuality, thus advocating for the inclusion of sexual education in school curriculums.

L'éducation est plus qu'un diplôme, c'est comprendre la valeur de la connaissance.

English translation of L'éducation est plus qu'un diplôme, c'est comprendre la valeur de la connaissance.

Education is more than a degree, it's understanding the value of knowledge.

This phrase champions the perspective that the true value of education lies not solely in the obtainment of a degree, but in developing an appreciation for learning and knowledge itself.

J'apprécie l'éducation que j'ai reçue de mes parents.

English translation of J'apprécie l'éducation que j'ai reçue de mes parents.

I appreciate the education I received from my parents.

This phrase expresses gratitude for the lessons and wisdom shared by family, acknowledging that education can extend beyond a traditional classroom setting.

Le gouvernement devrait soutenir davantage l'éducation publique.

English translation of Le gouvernement devrait soutenir davantage l'éducation publique.

The government should provide more support for public education.

This phrase suggests a need for more government funding or resources for public education, to ensure quality and accessibility for all students.

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