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English translation of eau


The French word for 'water' is 'eau'. It is used in the same ways as in English, both literally (to mean the liquid we drink and that fills the oceans) and metaphorically (as in the flow of a conversation). It's a feminine noun in French, so you would say 'une eau'.

Example sentences using: eau

L'eau de la mer est salée.

English translation of L'eau de la mer est salée.

The sea water is salty.

This phrase explains a natural property of seawater, that it is salty.

L'eau du robinet est-elle potable?

English translation of L'eau du robinet est-elle potable?

Is the tap water drinkable?

This question is about the safety and suitability of tap water for drinking.

L'eau est essentielle à la vie.

English translation of L'eau est essentielle à la vie.

Water is essential to life.

This phrase emphasizes the importance of water in sustaining life.

Je bois de l'eau chaque jour.

English translation of Je bois de l'eau chaque jour.

A simple declaration where a person states their daily habit of water intake.


Il a renversé de l'eau sur sa chemise.

English translation of Il a renversé de l'eau sur sa chemise.

He spilled water on his shirt.

This sentence narrates an incident where someone accidentally spilled water on their shirt.

L'eau de la rivière est très claire.

English translation of L'eau de la rivière est très claire.

The river water is very clear.

This phrase describes the clarity of river water.

Il a plongé le thé dans l'eau chaude.

English translation of Il a plongé le thé dans l'eau chaude.

He dunked the tea in hot water.

This statement explains the process of making a common type of tea by immersing it in hot water.

Le niveau de l'eau a baissé après la sécheresse.

English translation of Le niveau de l'eau a baissé après la sécheresse.

The water level dropped after the drought.

This sentence describes the impact of drought on water levels.

Elle aime les animaux qui vivent dans l'eau.

English translation of Elle aime les animaux qui vivent dans l'eau.

She loves animals that live in the water.

This phrase expresses a personal preference for aquatic animals.

L'eau bouillante peut causer des brûlures.

English translation of L'eau bouillante peut causer des brûlures.

Boiling water can cause burns.

This statement warns about the danger of boiling water which can cause burns if handled carelessly.

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