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English translation of doit


In French, 'must' is translated to 'doit'. It is used as a verb to express an obligation or necessity. However, French language doesn't have a perfect equivalent for the modal verb 'must' in English. The word 'doit' is a form of the verb 'devoir' which expresses 'must' or 'have to'. It is used in the same context as in English, for example - 'I must eat' would translate to 'Je dois manger'. It can also express prediction or expectation.

Example sentences using: doit

Il doit étudier pour l'examen.

English translation of Il doit étudier pour l'examen.

He must study for the exam.

This sentence is a statement indicating an obligation. In this case, 'doit' is used to express something that one must do, in this instance, referring to studying for an exam.

Elle doit préparer le dîner

English translation of Elle doit préparer le dîner

She must prepare dinner.

'Doit' signifies an obligation or requirement. The sentence states that it is necessary for the woman to prepare dinner.

Il doit gagner ce match.

English translation of Il doit gagner ce match.

He must win this game.

In this context, 'doit' indicates an obligation or necessity. The nature of the obligation might be personal or external, suggesting that the victory in the game is critical to him.

Vous devez payer la facture.

English translation of Vous devez payer la facture.

You must pay the bill.

The sentence uses 'doit' in its plural form 'devez' to outline a requirement. The phrase communicates that it is necessary for you to pay the bill.

La réunion doit commencer à huit heures.

English translation of La réunion doit commencer à huit heures.

The meeting must start at eight o'clock.

This example features 'doit' as the verb to indicate a necessary action, in this case, the start time of a meeting. It signifies that the meeting is obligated to begin at the stated time.

Le patient doit prendre ses médicaments.

English translation of Le patient doit prendre ses médicaments.

The patient must take his medicine.

'Doit' in this context is used to express the necessity for the patient to take his medications. It highlights a critical health requirement.

Il doit se sentir triste.

English translation of Il doit se sentir triste.

He must feel sad.

This sentence uses 'doit' to express an assumed feeling or state. The speaker anticipates that the person feels sad based on the context.

Je dois faire mes devoirs.

English translation of Je dois faire mes devoirs.

I must do my homework.

The speaker uses 'doit' in its first-person form 'dois' to express a personal obligation, indicating that they are required to complete their homework.

Chaque personne doit respecter les règles.

English translation of Chaque personne doit respecter les règles.

Here, 'doit' is used to express that all people are obligated to respect the rules. It points to a mandatory action that needs to be followed by everyone.


On doit toujours dire la vérité.

English translation of On doit toujours dire la vérité.

One must always tell the truth.

This example uses 'doit' to express a universal requirement of always telling the truth. It's a moral obligation applying to everyone.

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