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English translation of différence


The French word 'différence' is used in the same context as it is in English. It indicates the distinction or variation between two or more things. It can be used in both formal and informal contexts, and can also be utilized in a mathematical viewpoint such as subtraction operation. Proper pronunciation is important, and the accent on the first 'e' should not be overlooked.

Example sentences using: différence

Je ne peux voir aucune différence.

English translation of Je ne peux voir aucune différence.

I can't see any difference.

This phrase is used when one cannot distinguish between two things or notices no variation.

Quelle est la différence entre ces deux objets?

English translation of Quelle est la différence entre ces deux objets?

What is the difference between these two objects?

This sentence is used to ask about the difference or what sets apart two different objects. It could concern any two things and is frequently used in trying to understand in what ways they differ.

Il n'y a aucune différence entre les deux groupes.

English translation of Il n'y a aucune différence entre les deux groupes.

There is no difference between the two groups.

This French phrase is used to state that two groups, whether they be of people, objects or concepts, have no significant differences between them.

La seule différence est dans la couleur.

English translation of La seule différence est dans la couleur.

The only difference is in the color.

This phrase is used to simplify the difference between two things down to just a matter of color. It implies that apart from the color, the two things being compared are identical.

Nous devons embrasser nos différences.

English translation of Nous devons embrasser nos différences.

We must embrace our differences.

This sentence is used to emphasize the importance of appreciating our individual differences and understanding that they add to our uniqueness, rather than divide us.

La différence d'âge ne compte pas en amour.

English translation of La différence d'âge ne compte pas en amour.

Age difference doesn't matter in love.

This is a common French phrase expressing the idea that when people are in love, their age difference becomes irrelevant.

La différence entre la théorie et la pratique est souvent grande.

English translation of La différence entre la théorie et la pratique est souvent grande.

The difference between theory and practice is often large.

This phrase means that what is theorized and what happens in practice are often very different and is often used to emphasize the gap between ideas and their practical implementation.

J'aimerais discuter de la différence entre le français et l'espagnol.

English translation of J'aimerais discuter de la différence entre le français et l'espagnol.

I would like to discuss the difference between French and Spanish.

This sentence expresses someone's desire to discuss the differences between the French and Spanish languages. It could be used in an educational or academic context, or simply in conversation about languages.

La différence de prix est minime.

English translation of La différence de prix est minime.

The price difference is minimal.

This phrase is usually used to describe when the price difference between two items or services is too small or insignificant.

Il s'intéresse à la différence culturelle.

English translation of Il s'intéresse à la différence culturelle.

He is interested in cultural difference.

This French phrase expresses someone's interest in cultural differences, in essence, comparing and understanding different cultures.

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