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des choses

English translation of des choses


The French translation for 'stuff' is 'des choses'. However, as with any translation, context is incredibly important. 'Stuff' is a very general term in English and can be translated into different words in French depending on the specific usage. Generally, the term 'des choses' can be used to denote 'stuff' in most contexts, usually meaning various or unspecified things or matter. For example, 'I have a lot of stuff' translates to 'J'ai beaucoup de choses'.

Example sentences using: des choses

Elle apprend encore beaucoup des choses sur la culture française.

English translation of Elle apprend encore beaucoup des choses sur la culture française.

She is still learning a lot of things about French culture.

This sentence refers to the state of learning, where 'des choses' is used to indicate things or parts of French culture that the subject is still learning.

L'observation des choses me fascine.

English translation of L'observation des choses me fascine.

Observing things fascinates me.

In this example, 'des choses' is used to indicate objects or phenomena. It expresses fascination for the act of observing or seeing things.

Il faut comprendre des choses avant de les juger.

English translation of Il faut comprendre des choses avant de les juger.

One must understand things before judging them.

The phrase highlights the necessary step of understanding 'des choses' (things) before making judgments, implying the need for consideration and thought.

Je me souviens des choses que nous avons faites ensemble.

English translation of Je me souviens des choses que nous avons faites ensemble.

I remember the things we did together.

'Des choses' in this context refers to activities or actions that happened in the past and are now being remembered.

Elle a acheté des choses pour la maison.

English translation of Elle a acheté des choses pour la maison.

She bought some things for the house.

In this sentence, 'des choses' refers to unspecified items that were bought for the house, such as home goods or decoration.

Il pense toujours à des choses inutiles.

English translation of Il pense toujours à des choses inutiles.

He always thinks about useless things.

'Des choses inutiles' refers to matters or ideas that are perceived as unproductive or irrelevant. The phrase suggests criticism towards constant thinking about such matters.

Nous discutons des choses importantes lors de nos réunions.

English translation of Nous discutons des choses importantes lors de nos réunions.

We discuss important things during our meetings.

Here, 'des choses' refers to the main topics or issues that are discussed during the meetings.

Il a laissé des choses chez moi.

English translation of Il a laissé des choses chez moi.

He left some things at my place.

In this sentence, 'des choses' denotes unspecified personal belongings left behind at the speaker's place.

Elle a une maîtrise des choses technologiques.

English translation of Elle a une maîtrise des choses technologiques.

She has a mastery of technological things.

'Des choses' in this context refers to technology-related matters. The sentence implies the subject's expertise in technology.

Il a une peur irrationnelle des choses surnaturelles.

English translation of Il a une peur irrationnelle des choses surnaturelles.

He has an irrational fear of supernatural things.

In this phrase, 'des choses' means possible supernatural events or beings. It exhibits someone's irrational fear towards them.

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