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English translation of derrière


The French translation for 'behind' is 'derrière'. It is used in the same contexts as in English, indicating something located at the back of, or to the rear of something else. It can be used literally or figuratively. For example, 'Je suis derrière toi' means 'I am behind you'.

Example sentences using: derrière

Il y a un jardin derrière la maison.

English translation of Il y a un jardin derrière la maison.

There is a garden behind the house.

This sentence uses 'derrière' in a describing position of a garden in relation to a house.

Elle se cache derrière son sourire.

English translation of Elle se cache derrière son sourire.

She is hiding behind her smile.

This sentence illustrates a metaphorical use of 'behind'. It implies that the individual is using her smile to conceal her true feelings or emotions.

Il a laissé son passé derrière lui.

English translation of Il a laissé son passé derrière lui.

He left his past behind him.

Here, 'derrière' is used to suggest that someone has moved on from their past and is no longer affected or influenced by it.

Derrière cette porte se trouve un nouveau monde.

English translation of Derrière cette porte se trouve un nouveau monde.

Behind this door is a new world.

This sentence uses 'behind' to create a sense of suspense, wonder, or expectation about what is located behind the door.

Il s'est caché derrière le rideau.

English translation of Il s'est caché derrière le rideau.

He hid behind the curtain.

In this example, 'derrière' is used to describe the location where someone is hiding.

Ils ont terminé la course derrière tout le monde.

English translation of Ils ont terminé la course derrière tout le monde.

They finished the race behind everyone else.

Here, 'derrière' is used figuratively to depict that someone didn't finish first or among the leaders in a race, instead they were at the end of the group.

Le soleil a disparu derrière les nuages.

English translation of Le soleil a disparu derrière les nuages.

The sun disappeared behind the clouds.

This sentence describes a natural occurrence where the sun becomes less visible due to clouds, using 'derrière' to express this.

Derrière cette façade, se cache une belle maison.

English translation of Derrière cette façade, se cache une belle maison.

Behind this facade, hides a beautiful house.

This sentence uses 'derrière' in a figurative sense, implying that there is more than meets the eye or that appearances can be deceptive.

Je suis tombé derrière le canapé.

English translation of Je suis tombé derrière le canapé.

I fell behind the sofa.

This sentence is expressing that someone fell in a location that is behind the sofa.

La voiture est garée derrière le bâtiment.

English translation of La voiture est garée derrière le bâtiment.

The car is parked behind the building.

This is a very practical use of 'derrière', describing the position of an object - in this case, a car - in relation to another object, which in this case is a building.

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