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English translation of dernier


The French word for 'last' is 'dernier'. It can be used to refer to the final person, item, or time something happens, similar to the usage in English. Remember, in French, adjective placement usually comes after the noun, unlike in English. However, 'dernier' can be used before or after a noun.

Example sentences using: dernier

C'était le dernier grand film qu'elle ait vu.

English translation of C'était le dernier grand film qu'elle ait vu.

It was the last great movie she saw.

This sentence is in past tense, as indicated by 'était', referring to some time in the past when the female subject saw the last great movie.

Il a quitté le bureau le dernier.

English translation of Il a quitté le bureau le dernier.

He left the office last.

This sentence uses 'dernier' to express the sequence of events. It demonstrates the use of 'le dernier' to mean last in a list or sequence.

Je prendrai le dernier train pour rentrer à la maison.

English translation of Je prendrai le dernier train pour rentrer à la maison.

I will take the last train home.

'Le dernier train' refers to the last scheduled train for the day, meaning the speaker intends on taking the final train home rather than an earlier one.

C'est la dernière chose dont j'avais besoin.

English translation of C'est la dernière chose dont j'avais besoin.

It's the last thing I needed.

The phrase 'C'est la dernière chose dont j'avais besoin' is typically used to express frustration, indicating the subject has been given something they didn't want or need.

Il est le dernier de sa classe.

English translation of Il est le dernier de sa classe.

He is the last in his class.

This sentence denotes ranking. Here, the use of 'dernier' indicates the student's position in terms of academic performance; he is at the bottom of his class.

C'est ma dernière offre.

English translation of C'est ma dernière offre.

This is my last offer.

In this context, 'dernière' is used to assert a firm stance in negotiations, as the speaker won't change or elevate their offer after this.

Elle a lu le dernier livre de cet auteur.

English translation of Elle a lu le dernier livre de cet auteur.

She read the latest book by this author.

This sentence uses 'dernier' to indicate the most recent or latest item in a sequence - in this case, books released by a specific author.

Mon dernier Anniversaire était mémorable.

English translation of Mon dernier Anniversaire était mémorable.

My last Birthday was memorable.

'Mon dernier Anniversaire' refers to the most recent birthday the speaker had, and how it was memorable for them.

C'est le dernier jour de l’année.

English translation of C'est le dernier jour de l’année.

It's the last day of the year.

This phrase uses 'dernier' to indicate the conclusion of a time period, specifically the calendar year.

Je me souviens de la dernière fois que nous nous sommes rencontrés.

English translation of Je me souviens de la dernière fois que nous nous sommes rencontrés.

I remember the last time we met.

'La dernière fois' is a phrase that indicates the most recent occurrence of an event—in this case, the speaker's most recent meeting with the person they are addressing.

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