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English translation of département


In French, the term 'département' is used very much like 'department' in English. In a business context, it refers to a division or specialized function within an organization. However, it has an additional meaning too. In France, 'département' is also a term used for local administration regions, similar to counties in the United States. The usage depends on the context.

Example sentences using: département

Je travaille dans le département des finances.

English translation of Je travaille dans le département des finances.

I work in the finance department.

The key phrase 'département des finances' refers to 'finance department' in a company or an organization where financial-related activities took place.

Ce département est le plus grand du pays.

English translation of Ce département est le plus grand du pays.

This department is the largest in the country.

This example is being used generally and could refer to either a governmental department (e.g., defense, health) or a geographical area.

Le département de musique est à gauche.

English translation of Le département de musique est à gauche.

The music department is on the left.

'Département de musique' in this sentence refers to 'music department' in a store or a school where music-related activities are held or products are sold.

Notre département travaille toujours tard.

English translation of Notre département travaille toujours tard.

Our department always works late.

In this context, 'département' likely refers to a department in a company where the speaker and their colleagues continue to work even after normal working hours.

Le budget du département a été réduit.

English translation of Le budget du département a été réduit.

The department's budget has been reduced.

'Le budget du département' refers to the financial resources allocated to a department in an organization which in this case has been cut.

Je déménage dans un autre département.

English translation of Je déménage dans un autre département.

I am moving to another department.

This is potentially ambiguous and could refer either to changing jobs within an organization, or relocating to another geographical 'département' within France.

Je suis responsable de ce département.

English translation of Je suis responsable de ce département.

I am in charge of this department.

'Je suis responsable de ce département' refers to the person in a leadership position within an organization's department.

Le département des ressources humaines gère le recrutement.

English translation of Le département des ressources humaines gère le recrutement.

The human resources department handles recruitment.

'Le département des ressources humaines' refers to the human resources department in a company where the responsibility among others is to manage recruitment.

Le département de recherche et développement lance un nouveau projet.

English translation of Le département de recherche et développement lance un nouveau projet.

The research and development department is launching a new project.

'Le département de recherche et développement' refers to a team within a company that coordinates research and development activities, in this case, launching a new project.

Je veux visiter ce département l'été prochain.

English translation of Je veux visiter ce département l'été prochain.

I want to visit this department next summer.

This example refers to 'département' as a geographical region within France, similar to what would be called a county or state in other countries.

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