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English translation of décision


The French word 'décision' is used almost in the same way as its English counterpart 'decision'. It refers to the act of making a choice among several options or the resolution of a question or doubt. This term is often found in formal contexts, such as in legal, business, or political discussions. It is usually used as a noun and is associated with verbs like prendre (to take), faire (to make), or annoncer (to announce) when forming sentences.

Example sentences using: décision

Nous sommes confiants dans notre décision.

English translation of Nous sommes confiants dans notre décision.

We are confident in our decision.

This phrase suggests a strong belief or certainty in the decision that has been made.

La décision n'a pas été facile à prendre.

English translation of La décision n'a pas été facile à prendre.

The decision wasn't easy to make.

This sentence suggests the subject experienced difficulty or struggle in coming to a decision.

Votre décision change tout.

English translation of Votre décision change tout.

Your decision changes everything.

This implies that the subject's decision has significant impacts or consequences.

Je respecte ta décision.

English translation of Je respecte ta décision.

I respect your decision.

This phrase is used to demonstrate acceptance or understanding of someone else's decision.

Il faut réfléchir avant de prendre une décision.

English translation of Il faut réfléchir avant de prendre une décision.

One must think before making a decision.

This sentence advises caution and thoughtfulness before deciding something.

J'ai regretté ma décision.

English translation of J'ai regretté ma décision.

I regretted my decision.

The phrase expresses regret or disappointment about a past decision.

Cette décision appartient à toi seul(e).

English translation of Cette décision appartient à toi seul(e).

This decision belongs to you alone.

This expression emphasizes that the decision-making power rests solely with the person addressed.

La décision finale sera annoncée demain.

English translation of La décision finale sera annoncée demain.

The final decision will be announced tomorrow.

This sentence is often used when discussing announcements concerning final judgments or outcomes.

Il est trop tôt pour prendre une décision.

English translation of Il est trop tôt pour prendre une décision.

It's too early to make a decision.

This statement suggests that more time is needed before a decision can be made.

La décision a été rendue.

English translation of La décision a été rendue.

The decision has been made.

This phrase indicates that a decision has been finalized, typically by a person in authority.

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