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English translation of décider


The French translation for 'decide' is 'décider'. This verb is commonly used in French to express making a conclusion after consideration. Like in English, it can be used with various prepositions such as 'de' or 'que'. For example in a sentence, 'Il a décidé de partir' which means 'He decided to leave'.

Example sentences using: décider

Elle a décidé de partir demain.

English translation of Elle a décidé de partir demain.

She decided to leave tomorrow.

The sentence is in the past tense, relating an action the woman had decided on in the past, which is going to be carried out in the future.

Nous devons décider où aller en vacances.

English translation of Nous devons décider où aller en vacances.

We need to decide where to go on vacation.

The sentence expresses a necessity for making a decision. The verb 'decider' is used in an infinitive form after 'devons', which is the first person plural of 'devoir' meaning 'need to'.

Je ne peux pas décider lequel choisir.

English translation of Je ne peux pas décider lequel choisir.

I can't decide which one to choose.

This sentence expresses the speaker's inability to take a decision regarding a choice. This uses the negation 'ne...pas' around the auxiliary verb 'peux' (can).

Il doit décider si c'est bon pour lui.

English translation of Il doit décider si c'est bon pour lui.

He must decide if it's good for him.

In this sentence, the verb 'decider' follows 'doit', which is the singular third person form of the verb 'devoir', conveying obligation or necessity.

Tu as décidé d'apprendre le français.

English translation of Tu as décidé d'apprendre le français.

You decided to learn French.

This sentence uses the past tense to state that the action of deciding has already occurred. The verb 'décider' is followed by an infinitive verb 'apprendre', which means 'to learn'.

Nous avons décidé de déménager en France.

English translation of Nous avons décidé de déménager en France.

We decided to move to France.

This sentence uses 'avons décidé', the past participle phrase of 'decider' to imply a past decision. 'Déménager' means 'to move' and it follows 'de' which often indicates the action decided upon.

J'essaie de décider ce que je veux pour le dîner.

English translation of J'essaie de décider ce que je veux pour le dîner.

I'm trying to decide what I want for dinner.

The sentence uses 'essaie de', meaning 'trying to', in conjunction with the infinitive form of 'décider', to express the process of making a decision.

Elle doit décider de ses plans futurs.

English translation of Elle doit décider de ses plans futurs.

She has to decide her future plans.

Here, 'doit' implies an obligation or necessity to decide. 'Ses plans futurs' refers to her future plans. In French, the adjective often comes after the noun it modifies.

Le président va décider de la prochaine étape.

English translation of Le président va décider de la prochaine étape.

The president will decide the next step.

This sentence uses the future tense. 'Va décider' translates to 'will decide', expressing an action the president is going to do in the future. 'De la prochaine étape' leads to the object that will be decided upon.

Ils ont décidé de vendre leur maison.

English translation of Ils ont décidé de vendre leur maison.

They decided to sell their house.

In this sentence, 'ont décidé' is the past participle phrase indicating a past decision. 'Vendre leur maison' is the action that has been decided upon, with 'vendre' being the infinitive verb for 'to sell'.

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