The French word 'd'accord' is equivalent to 'okay' in English. It can be used as a response when you agree with someone, understanding a statement, or accepting a suggestion or proposal. This term is very common in French conversations.
I think you agree
Here, the speaker is using 'd'accord' to express the assumption or belief that the listener is in agreement.
I never agree with him
This sentence uses 'd'accord' to express a continuous state of disagreement with 'him'.
I agree with you
This sentence uses the word 'd'accord' to express agreement with someone else. In this case, the speaker is agreeing with 'you'.
Do you agree with me?
In this question, the speaker is asking for confirmation of agreement from 'you'.
We agree to leave tomorrow
He agrees to help us
In this example, 'd'accord' is used to communicate someone else's (He) agreement to lend assistance.
She does not agree with your choice
Here, 'd'accord' is used in a negative context to express disagreement. In this case, 'She' does not agree with 'your choice'.
Do they agree to sell the house?
This is an example of a question asking for confirmation of agreement, 'D'accord', to take a specific action, in this case selling a house.
Okay, it is a good idea
Here, 'd'accord' is used differently as it means 'okay', showing consent or agreement that something is a 'good idea'.
We all have to agree before continuing
In this case, 'd'accord' is used to signify that agreement from everyone is necessary before proceeding.