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English translation of croissance


The word 'croissance' in French translates directly to 'growth' in English. It mainly used in contexts similar to English, such as personal growth, economic growth, or even the growth of a plant. For example, when talking about personal growth, we may say 'croissance personnelle'. When talking about the economic growth of a country, we may say 'croissance économique'. Somewhat versatile, 'croissance' can be used in most contexts where 'growth' is used in English.

Example sentences using: croissance

La croissance économique est un indicateur de la santé d'un pays.

English translation of La croissance économique est un indicateur de la santé d'un pays.

Economic growth is an indicator of a country's health.

This sentence discusses economic growth as a measure of a country's financial condition. In other words, if a country is experiencing growth in its economy, it may be overall in a good state.

L'indice de croissance démographique est une statistique intéressante.

English translation of L'indice de croissance démographique est une statistique intéressante.

The demographic growth index is an interesting statistic.

In this context 'croissance' refers to an increase in a country's population over time. The demographic growth index is a way to measure this.

Son attitude positive contribue à la croissance personnelle.

English translation of Son attitude positive contribue à la croissance personnelle.

His positive attitude contributes to personal growth.

This sentence talks about the effect of someone's positive attitude on personal growth, which refers to the development or improvement of one’s abilities and qualities.

Nous devons investir dans la croissance de notre entreprise.

English translation of Nous devons investir dans la croissance de notre entreprise.

We need to invest in our company's growth.

This phrase expresses the need for investment in order to achieve the growth of a company. The type of growth can be an expansion, rise in sales, or other aspects.

La croissance rapide de la technologie a changé notre vie quotidienne.

English translation of La croissance rapide de la technologie a changé notre vie quotidienne.

The rapid growth of technology has changed our daily life.

This sentence discusses how the rapid expansion of technology has altered aspects of everyday life.

Les biologistes étudient la croissance des cellules.

English translation of Les biologistes étudient la croissance des cellules.

Biologists study cell growth.

In this context 'croissance' refers to the process of cells increasing in size and number, a common topic of study in biology.

La croissance des plantes dépend de l'eau et de la lumière du soleil.

English translation of La croissance des plantes dépend de l'eau et de la lumière du soleil.

Plant growth depends on water and sunlight.

This sentence clarifies that the growth of plants, meaning how they develop and mature, relies on two crucial elements, which are water and sunlight.

La croissance de la population mondiale est un problème important.

English translation of La croissance de la population mondiale est un problème important.

The growth of the world's population is a major problem.

The sentence refers to the increase in the world’s population as a significant issue, implying the many potential problems associated with overpopulation such as resource depletion, increased demand for housing, etc.

La croissance de cette entreprise est impressionnante.

English translation of La croissance de cette entreprise est impressionnante.

The growth of this company is impressive.

This phrase talks about the growth of a certain company, which can refer to an increase in revenue, workforce, market share, etc. It particularly points out that such growth is impressive, indicating it may be rapid or more than expected.

L'économiste parle souvent de la croissance du PIB.

English translation of L'économiste parle souvent de la croissance du PIB.

The economist often talks about GDP growth.

This phrase mentions GDP growth, an increase in the Gross Domestic Product of a country, which is the total value of all goods and services produced within a certain period. Economists frequently discuss this topic.

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