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English translation of croire


In French, 'croire' which translates to 'believe' in English, is used similarly. It can mean to have confidence in the truth of something or accept something as true. It can be used in various contexts similar to English. For example, 'Je crois que tu as raison' means 'I believe you are right'.

Example sentences using: croire

Je crois que tu as raison.

English translation of Je crois que tu as raison.

I believe you are right.

This sentence is an example of using 'croire' (to believe) when expressing an opinion or agreement with someone.

Il ne faut pas toujours croire ce que les gens disent.

English translation of Il ne faut pas toujours croire ce que les gens disent.

One should not always believe what people say.

In this sentence, 'croire' is used to describe the act of trusting or having faith in what someone else is saying.

Tu peux me croire quand je te dis que c'est difficile.

English translation of Tu peux me croire quand je te dis que c'est difficile.

You can believe me when I tell you it's hard.

This sentence uses 'croire' to express assurance or certainty about something, from the speaker's perspective.

Nous devrions croire en nous-mêmes.

English translation of Nous devrions croire en nous-mêmes.

We should believe in ourselves.

Here, 'croire' is used to express the concept of self-confidence.

Je ne peux pas croire qu'il ait fait cela.

English translation of Je ne peux pas croire qu'il ait fait cela.

I can't believe he did that.

This is an example of using 'croire' to express disbelief or surprise about a situation.

Elle a du mal à croire en son succès.

English translation of Elle a du mal à croire en son succès.

She has difficulty believing in her success.

In this instance, 'croire' is used to describe having faith or confidence in oneself or a specific outcome.

Croire en l'impossible rend les choses possibles.

English translation of Croire en l'impossible rend les choses possibles.

Believing in the impossible makes things possible.

This sentence uses 'croire' to convey the power of positive thinking.

Je voudrais croire que tout ira bien.

English translation of Je voudrais croire que tout ira bien.

I would like to believe that everything will be fine.

Here, 'croire' is used to express hope for something good to happen in the future.

Il est difficile de croire que c'est la vérité.

English translation of Il est difficile de croire que c'est la vérité.

It is hard to believe that it is the truth.

In this sentence, 'croire' is used to state that something is difficult to accept as true.

Elles croient en un monde meilleur.

English translation of Elles croient en un monde meilleur.

They believe in a better world.

This is an example of 'croire' being used to express conviction about a positive future.

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