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English translation of couvrir


The French word 'couvrir' translates directly to 'cover' in English and is used in largely the same contexts. It can be used when talking about putting something over another thing in order to protect or conceal it, like covering a dish or covering a body with a blanket. It is also used metaphorically like in English, such as 'covering a topic' in an educational or journalistic setting.

Example sentences using: couvrir

Il est important de bien couvrir les aliments pour préserver leur fraîcheur.

English translation of Il est important de bien couvrir les aliments pour préserver leur fraîcheur.

It is important to properly cover food to preserve their freshness.

This sentence discusses about the necessity of covering food properly, as uncovered food may spoil faster due to exposure to air. The verb 'couvrir' which means 'to cover' is used here.

Nous devons couvrir le toit avant qu'il ne pleuve.

English translation of Nous devons couvrir le toit avant qu'il ne pleuve.

We need to cover the roof before it rains.

This example highlights the usage of couvrir in a situation where some sort of protection is needed against weather conditions. In this situation, it's about covering the roof before the onset of rain.

Il a réussi à couvrir ses traces après le crime.

English translation of Il a réussi à couvrir ses traces après le crime.

He managed to cover his tracks after the crime.

Here, 'couvrir' is used metaphorically to talk about hiding evidence or cloak actions one wants to keep secret. This phrase covers an aspect of crime-related situations.

L'assurance va couvrir ces frais.

English translation of L'assurance va couvrir ces frais.

The insurance will cover these costs.

In this case, 'couvrir' is used to refer to the financial aspect where insurance is expected to 'cover' or handle certain costs. This is a term commonly used within the context of insurance policies.

Vous devriez couvrir votre bouche quand vous toussez.

English translation of Vous devriez couvrir votre bouche quand vous toussez.

You should cover your mouth when you cough.

This example demonstrates the use of 'couvrir' in a health-related context, emphasizing the importance of covering one's mouth when coughing to prevent the spread of germs.

Elle a décidé de couvrir ses murs de photos.

English translation of Elle a décidé de couvrir ses murs de photos.

She decided to cover her walls with pictures.

This is an example of using 'couvrir' in a more decorative and aesthetic sense, where it refers to completely furnishing a particular surface, in this case, walls, with adornments like pictures.

J'aime quand la neige couvre tout au dehors.

English translation of J'aime quand la neige couvre tout au dehors.

I love when snow covers everything outside.

In this context, 'couvrir' is used to describe a natural phenomenon, in which the snow is layering or 'covering' everything outside.

Ce livre va couvrir tous les aspects de l'histoire.

English translation of Ce livre va couvrir tous les aspects de l'histoire.

This book will cover all aspects of history.

In this sentence, 'couvrir' is used in the context of comprehensively addressing or explaining all aspects of a particular subject or topic. The subject here being history.

Je vais couvrir le gâteau de glaçage.

English translation of Je vais couvrir le gâteau de glaçage.

I am going to cover the cake with frosting.

This example uses 'couvrir' in a culinary context. It refers to the action of layering or covering the cake with frosting as a final step of preparation.

Il va couvrir la distance en une heure.

English translation of Il va couvrir la distance en une heure.

He will cover the distance in one hour.

In this instance, 'couvrir' is used to describe travel or movement across space. The phrase suggests that the individual intends to traverse or 'cover' a specific distance within one hour.

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