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English translation of cours


In French, the term 'cours' is used to represent the English word 'course'. It can refer to a series of lectures or lessons in a particular subject, typically leading to a qualification. For instance, academic courses in a university. It can also be used to signify the direction in which something is moving. However, the specific usage will typically depend on the context in which it is applied.

Example sentences using: cours

Je cours tous les matins.

English translation of Je cours tous les matins.

I run every morning.

Here 'cours' is used as a conjugation of the verb 'courir', which means to run.

C'est le cours de maths le plus difficile que j'ai jamais eu.

English translation of C'est le cours de maths le plus difficile que j'ai jamais eu.

This is the hardest maths class I've ever had.

In this sentence, 'cours' means 'class'. It is another common use of the word 'cours'.

Le cours d'eau dans notre village est très clair.

English translation of Le cours d'eau dans notre village est très clair.

The stream in our village is very clear.

'Cours' in 'cours d'eau' means flow or course, referring to flowing bodies of water like a river or stream.

Au cours de la soirée, il a décidé de partir.

English translation of Au cours de la soirée, il a décidé de partir.

During the evening, he decided to leave.

'Au cours de' means 'during' in English. It's a common phrase used to indicate the occurrence of an event during a period of time.

Validez vos cours en ligne avant la fin du semestre.

English translation of Validez vos cours en ligne avant la fin du semestre.

Validate your online classes before the end of the semester.

'Cours en ligne' means 'online classes'. In the context of education, 'cours' refers to classes or lessons.

Le gibier court vite dans la forêt.

English translation of Le gibier court vite dans la forêt.

The game runs quickly in the forest.

Here 'court' is another form of the verb 'courir'. It might sound similar to 'cours', but it's a different form for a different grammatical subject.

La rivière a malheureusement dévié de son cours normal.

English translation of La rivière a malheureusement dévié de son cours normal.

The river has unfortunately deviated from its normal course.

'Cours' in this sentence is used to describe the direction or path taken by a river.

Le cours du marché immobilier est en hausse.

English translation of Le cours du marché immobilier est en hausse.

The course of the real estate market is on the rise.

In this context, 'cours' means the direction or trend of something, in this case, the real estate market.

Le cours de l'or a chuté récemment.

English translation of Le cours de l'or a chuté récemment.

The price of gold has recently fallen.

'Le cours de l'or' translates to 'the price of gold'. In financial terms, 'cours' refers to the price or rate of a commodity or stock.

Je cours pour le bus, sinon je serai en retard au travail.

English translation of Je cours pour le bus, sinon je serai en retard au travail.

I am running for the bus, otherwise I will be late for work.

In this sentence, 'cours' is again used as a form of the verb 'courir' meaning 'to run'. This shows the speaker's action of running.

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