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English translation of couple


In French, 'couple' has a very similar meaning as in English, referring to a pair of people, animals, or things often related or in a relationship of some kind. Just like in English, it can also refer more specifically to two people in a romantic relationship. An example of a sentence would be, 'Ils sont en couple depuis deux ans,' which means 'They have been a couple for two years.'

Example sentences using: couple

Il a acheté un couple de billets pour le concert.

English translation of Il a acheté un couple de billets pour le concert.

He bought a couple of tickets for the concert.

This phrase uses 'couple' to refer to two of something, in other words, a pair. It is being used to signify that he bought two tickets for the concert.

Je suis en couple depuis deux ans.

English translation of Je suis en couple depuis deux ans.

I have been in a relationship for two years.

This phrase uses the term 'couple' to refer to a romantic relationship. In French, 'en couple' is a common way to say that someone is in a relationship.

Nous avons vu un couple de canards dans le parc.

English translation of Nous avons vu un couple de canards dans le parc.

We saw a couple of ducks in the park.

In this example, 'couple' is used to denote a pair or a duo of something, in this case, ducks. This is common usage in French and other languages, including English.

Ils formaient un beau couple sur la piste de danse.

English translation of Ils formaient un beau couple sur la piste de danse.

They made a beautiful couple on the dance floor.

This sentence uses 'couple' to describe two people who look good together, in this case on a dance floor. This shows the use of 'couple' in a romantic or partnership context.

Elle a lu un couple de chapitres avant de s'endormir.

English translation of Elle a lu un couple de chapitres avant de s'endormir.

She read a couple of chapters before falling asleep.

In this French text, 'couple' is used to refer to a small number of something (in this case, book chapters). This is similar to the use of 'couple' in English meaning 'a few' or 'several'.

Mon ami est en couple avec elle depuis l'école.

English translation of Mon ami est en couple avec elle depuis l'école.

My friend has been in a relationship with her since school.

The French phrase 'en couple' translates to 'in a relationship' in English. It is used here to indicate a romantic status between two people.

Ce couple de chiens est très mignon.

English translation of Ce couple de chiens est très mignon.

This couple of dogs is very cute.

Here, the word 'couple' is used to refer to a pair of something, in this instance, dogs. The structure is common and could be used with any duo.

Ils sont en couple depuis leur université.

English translation of Ils sont en couple depuis leur université.

They have been a couple since their university days.

The term 'en couple' is used in French to represent a romantic relationship. This usage is common and similar to English usage.

J'ai mangé un couple de pommes pour le déjeuner.

English translation of J'ai mangé un couple de pommes pour le déjeuner.

I ate a couple of apples for lunch.

'Couple' is used here to refer to a small quantity of something, in this case, apples. This usage is common in French when referring to two or a few of something.

Ce vieux couple vit ici depuis de nombreuses années.

English translation of Ce vieux couple vit ici depuis de nombreuses années.

This old couple has been living here for many years.

In this example, 'couple' refers to two people in a committed relationship, typically marriage. The term 'vieux couple' further implies that the couple has been together for a prolonged period.

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