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English translation of corps


The French word 'corps' is used in the same context as the English 'body'. It could be referred to a person's physical structure or a main section of a structure. It can also be used metaphorically to describe a collective group or a 'body' of individuals such as 'corps diplomatique' (diplomatic corps).

Example sentences using: corps

J'ai mal au corps après le gym

English translation of J'ai mal au corps après le gym

I have a body ache after the gym

This sentence can be used when someone has an intense workout which leads to body pain. 'Corps' in French implies to body.

Il est nécessaire de chercher les empreintes du corps

English translation of Il est nécessaire de chercher les empreintes du corps

It's necessary to search for the body prints

In this case, 'corps' can be used while talking about investigation or forensic studies, where 'corps' again means 'body'.

Le don de son corps à la science est un acte altruiste

English translation of Le don de son corps à la science est un acte altruiste

Donating one's body to science is an altruistic act

This phrase could be used in a conversation about medical or scientific research, where 'corps' refers to 'body'.

Le corps de ballet était merveilleux ce soir

English translation of Le corps de ballet était merveilleux ce soir

The ballet corps was wonderful tonight

In this case, 'corps' refers to a group of performers in a ballet company who dance together.

L'armée est aussi connue comme le corps militaire

English translation of L'armée est aussi connue comme le corps militaire

The army is also known as the military corps

'Corps' is being used here to refer to a main subdivision of an armed force in the field, consisting of two or more divisions.

La pomme ne tombe jamais loin du corps

English translation of La pomme ne tombe jamais loin du corps

The apple never falls far from the tree

This sentence is actually a French idiom using the word 'corps' metaphorically, 'corps' means 'trunk' in this sentence instead of 'body'.

Ils ont un beau corps de ferme

English translation of Ils ont un beau corps de ferme

They have a beautiful farmstead

'Corps de ferme' is a term used in French to describe a farm as a whole unit including the farmhouse and outbuildings.

J'ai vu un corps céleste hier soir

English translation of J'ai vu un corps céleste hier soir

I saw a celestial body last night

French astronomers use the term 'corps' when referring to celestial bodies such as stars, planets, asteroids etc.

Le corps diplomatique assistait à la réunion

English translation of Le corps diplomatique assistait à la réunion

The diplomatic corps attended the meeting

In this usage, 'corps' refers to a group of diplomats who represent their own countries while living in a foreign country.

Le corps humain est fascinant

English translation of Le corps humain est fascinant

The human body is fascinating

This could be used in a context where one is studying or admiring the human body and its functions. The French word 'corps' in this context means 'body'.

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