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English translation of confortable


The French word 'confortable' is used similar to the English word 'cozy'. It is most commonly used to describe places or objects that are comfortable, warm, or inviting, such as a cozy home (un maison confortable) or a cozy chair (un chaise confortable). However, it doesn't express the intimacy or small space the way 'cozy' does in English.

Example sentences using: confortable

Cette chaise est très confortable.

English translation of Cette chaise est très confortable.

This chair is very comfortable.

This sentence is expressing an opinion about the comfort level of the chair.

Je trouve mon lit très confortable.

English translation of Je trouve mon lit très confortable.

I find my bed very comfortable.

This sentence is describing the personal feeling of comfort in relation to the speaker's own bed.

Il fait un temps confortable aujourd'hui.

English translation of Il fait un temps confortable aujourd'hui.

The weather is comfortable today.

In this sentence, the word 'comfortable' is used to describe the weather.

C'est un voyage confortable en train.

English translation of C'est un voyage confortable en train.

It's a comfortable train journey.

Here, the word 'comfortable' is used to describe the experience of a train journey.

C'est une voiture confortable pour une longue route.

English translation of C'est une voiture confortable pour une longue route.

It's a comfortable car for a long road.

In this sentence, the word 'comfortable' is used to qualify the car in relation to long journeys.

J'aime porter des vêtements confortables.

English translation of J'aime porter des vêtements confortables.

I like wearing comfortable clothes.

The speaker is expressing a preference for wearing clothes that are comfortable.

Ses chaussures sont confortables.

English translation of Ses chaussures sont confortables.

His shoes are comfortable.

This sentence is commenting on the comfort level of someone else's shoes.

Le canapé est plus confortable que la chaise.

English translation of Le canapé est plus confortable que la chaise.

The sofa is more comfortable than the chair.

In this sentence, the comfort levels of sofa and chair are being compared.

C'est une maison confortable pour une grande famille.

English translation of C'est une maison confortable pour une grande famille.

It's a comfortable house for a big family.

The comfort level of the house is being described in relation to its suitability for a large family.

Je veux acheter un fauteuil confortable.

English translation of Je veux acheter un fauteuil confortable.

I want to buy a comfortable armchair.

In this sentence, the speaker's intent to purchase a comfortable armchair is being expressed.

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