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English translation of conduire


The French word 'conduire' translates to 'drive' in English and is often used to refer to the act of operating and controlling the direction and speed of a motor vehicle. Just like in English, it can also extend to figurative expressions like 'driving a hard bargain' which in French is 'conduire une dure bataille'. Use it in the context similar to how you would use 'drive' in English.

Example sentences using: conduire

Je dois conduire ma grand-mère à l'hôpital.

English translation of Je dois conduire ma grand-mère à l'hôpital.

I have to drive my grandmother to the hospital.

This sentence is saying that the speaker has the responsibility of taking their grandmother to the hospital, and they will do this by driving.

Il a appris à conduire quand il avait seize ans.

English translation of Il a appris à conduire quand il avait seize ans.

He learned to drive when he was sixteen.

This statement means the person in question acquired the skill of operating a car at the age of sixteen.

La conduite défensive peut vous sauver la vie.

English translation of La conduite défensive peut vous sauver la vie.

Defensive driving can save your life.

This sentence emphasizes the importance of driving in a way that prepares for potential emergencies or unexpected conditions, as such cautiousness can potentially prevent fatal accidents.

C'est dangereux de conduire trop vite.

English translation of C'est dangereux de conduire trop vite.

It's dangerous to drive too fast.

Here, the phrase points out the hazard associated with driving at an excessively high speed, as it increases the risk of crashes and decreases reaction time.

Je suis trop fatigué pour conduire en toute sécurité.

English translation of Je suis trop fatigué pour conduire en toute sécurité.

I am too tired to drive safely.

This phrase states that the speaker is exhausted to the point that they feel they cannot operate a vehicle in a safe manner.

Vous devez conduire prudemment dans la neige.

English translation of Vous devez conduire prudemment dans la neige.

You have to drive carefully in the snow.

This sentence is instructing the listener to exercise caution while driving under snowy conditions, as the weather can make roads slippery and visibility poor.

Je ne veux pas conduire dans le mauvais temps.

English translation of Je ne veux pas conduire dans le mauvais temps.

I do not want to drive in bad weather.

The speaker is expressing their reluctance to drive in severe weather conditions, possibly due to safety concerns.

Il est interdit de conduire sans permis.

English translation of Il est interdit de conduire sans permis.

It is illegal to drive without a license.

This statement underlines the regulatory rule that prohibits the operation of vehicles by individuals who do not possess the required valid documentation, a driving license.

Elle adore conduire sa nouvelle voiture.

English translation of Elle adore conduire sa nouvelle voiture.

She loves driving her new car.

In this context, the woman thoroughly enjoys operating or controlling her new vehicle, perhaps due to the enjoyment of its features or the sense of freedom it provides.

Le policier m'a demandé si j'avais bu avant de conduire.

English translation of Le policier m'a demandé si j'avais bu avant de conduire.

The policeman asked me if I had drunk before driving.

Here, the police officer was inquiring about the speaker's consumption of alcohol prior to operating a vehicle, as this is a major public safety concern.

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