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English translation of communauté


The French word for community is 'communauté'. This term is used much in the same way as 'community' in English. It can refer to a group of people living in the same place, a group of people with a common interest or a group of nations sharing certain interests or goals. It's derived from the Latin word 'communitas' which means public spirit. It might also be used in some other contexts, just like in English.

Example sentences using: communauté

La communauté est très solidaire en cas de crise.

English translation of La communauté est très solidaire en cas de crise.

The community is very supportive in times of crisis.

This sentence expresses that when challenging times arise, members of the community assist and back each other up. The use of 'communauté' here refers to a group of people united by a common cause.

Notre communauté locale organise souvent des événements pour enfants.

English translation of Notre communauté locale organise souvent des événements pour enfants.

Our local community often organizes events for children.

This sentence indicates regular children events being organized by the local community. 'Communauté' in this sentence refers to a group of people living in the same vicinity.

La vie en communauté présente à la fois des avantages et des inconvénients.

English translation of La vie en communauté présente à la fois des avantages et des inconvénients.

Community life has both advantages and disadvantages.

This sentence discusses how living in a 'communauté', or community, comes with its pros and cons, and the context could be talking about a neighborhood, a city, or even a shared living space.

La beauté de la diversité peut être observée dans notre communauté.

English translation of La beauté de la diversité peut être observée dans notre communauté.

The beauty of diversity can be observed in our community.

This sentence extols the value of having diverse members in a 'communauté'. It implies that a variety of backgrounds, cultures, or identities among the members contribute to the community's beauty.

Les réseaux sociaux ont permis la création de communautés en ligne.

English translation of Les réseaux sociaux ont permis la création de communautés en ligne.

Social networks have allowed the creation of online communities.

In this sentence, the word 'communauté' implies groups formed on social media platforms. These online communities may support specific interests or endeavors.

Dans cette communauté, tout le monde s'entraide.

English translation of Dans cette communauté, tout le monde s'entraide.

In this community, everyone helps each other.

In this instance, 'communauté' refers to a group of people who are supportive of one another. This could be a physical community, like a neighborhood or a town, or a virtual community, like a forum or a club.

La diversité culturelle de notre communauté renforce notre identité.

English translation of La diversité culturelle de notre communauté renforce notre identité.

The cultural diversity of our community strengthens our identity.

This sentence refers to a 'communauté' as a group whose identity is enriched by the variety of cultures it encompasses. This could be referring to a multicultural city or nation.

Les membres de la communauté doivent respecter certaines règles.

English translation of Les membres de la communauté doivent respecter certaines règles.

Members of the community must respect certain rules.

This sentence refers to a 'communauté' where members are expected to adhere to a set of rules. This could apply to any community- a housing community, a school community, or even an online community.

Le soutien de la communauté est essentiel pour ce projet.

English translation of Le soutien de la communauté est essentiel pour ce projet.

The support of the community is essential for this project.

The usage of 'communauté' here refers to a collective that can contribute to the success of a project. This sentence posits that their backing or endorsement is vital to the project's success.

La communauté scientifique a reconnu l'importance de cette découverte.

English translation of La communauté scientifique a reconnu l'importance de cette découverte.

The scientific community has recognized the importance of this discovery.

The sentence suggests that 'communauté' can also refer to a specialized group of people with common professions or interests. In this context, the term 'communauté scientifique' refers to groups of scientists or researchers who share common goals or objectives.

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