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English translation of commun


The French word 'commun' is used to describe something that is ordinary or typical. For example, it can be used to describe objects, ideas, happenings or characteristics that are shared by all members of a group or are generally encountered or observed. Just like in English, it can be used in both literal and abstract context.

Example sentences using: commun

Nous avons un objectif commun

English translation of Nous avons un objectif commun

We have a common goal

This phrase can be used when two or more people share the same aim or objective. In this context, 'commun' conveys the meaning of 'shared' or 'mutual'.

C'est une erreur commune

English translation of C'est une erreur commune

It's a common mistake

This expression conveys the idea that the mistake being referred to is frequently made by many people. Here, 'commun' translates to 'common'.

Nous vivons dans une communauté

English translation of Nous vivons dans une communauté

We live in a community

In this sentence, 'communauté' is a noun with the root 'commun', creating a community indicating people living together in one place sharing common facilities or interests.

C'est un sens commun

English translation of C'est un sens commun

It's a common sense

This sentence uses 'commun' to mean 'common', suggesting that the sense or understanding being referred to is widely held or generally accepted.

Nous devons trouver un terrain commun

English translation of Nous devons trouver un terrain commun

We need to find a common ground

This phrase is used when people need to find an agreement on a dispute or a difference of opinion. The word 'commun' is used to indicate something shared or mutual.

C'est une connaissance commune

English translation of C'est une connaissance commune

It's a common knowledge

This sentence mean this knowledge is well known or generally accepted. Here 'commun' translates to 'common'.

C'est notre ami commun

English translation of C'est notre ami commun

It's our mutual friend

This French expression is usually used when two people are talking about a friend they both know. 'Commun' here translates to 'mutual'.

Nous avons une histoire commune

English translation of Nous avons une histoire commune

We have a shared history

In this use, 'commun' implies something that is shared, suggesting here that multiple individuals or groups share the same historical background or experiences.

C'est un bien commun

English translation of C'est un bien commun

It's a common good

This phrase uses 'commun' to indicate that the good being referred to belongs to everyone or should be available for everyone's use.

Notre amour est commun

English translation of Notre amour est commun

Our love is mutual

This sentence implies that the love or affection is equally felt and shared by both individuals. Here 'commun' translates as 'mutual'.

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