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English translation of coeur


The French word 'coeur' is used in the same way as the English word 'heart'. It is used to refer to the physical organ in our bodies, but can also be used metaphorically to refer to feelings and emotions. For example, 'avoir le coeur brisé' means 'to have a broken heart'. Just like in English, 'coeur' is also used in French to express the core or center of something.

Example sentences using: coeur

Je le sais par coeur.

English translation of Je le sais par coeur.

I know it by heart.

Used to express that you have memorized something.

C'est une histoire de coeur.

English translation of C'est une histoire de coeur.

It's a heart story.

This can be interpreted as 'it’s a love story' or 'a matter of the heart'.

Il a un coeur de pierre.

English translation of Il a un coeur de pierre.

He has a heart of stone.

This phrase suggests that someone is very unemotional or lacks compassion.

J'ai le coeur brisé.

English translation of J'ai le coeur brisé.

I have a broken heart.

This phrase is usually used to express deep emotional distress or sadness, typically from love problems.

Il porte son coeur sur sa main.

English translation of Il porte son coeur sur sa main.

He wears his heart on his hand.

An equivalent English phrase would be 'He wears his heart on his sleeve', meaning that he openly expresses his emotions.

Elle a un coeur en or.

English translation of Elle a un coeur en or.

She has a heart of gold.

This is way of indicating that somebody is very kind and generous.

Le coeur a ses raisons que la raison ne connaît point.

English translation of Le coeur a ses raisons que la raison ne connaît point.

The heart has its reasons which reason knows not.

This phrase suggests that emotions and feelings are complex and cannot always be explained or understood rationally.

Il s'est fait mal au coeur.

English translation of Il s'est fait mal au coeur.

He hurt himself at heart.

This could mean that he is emotionally hurt, or it could be taken literally to mean that he hurt his heart physically (perhaps while exercising or due to a heart condition).

Faire quelque chose à contre-coeur.

English translation of Faire quelque chose à contre-coeur.

Doing something reluctantly.

This phrase is used when someone does something despite not really wanting to do it.

Ils parlent des affaires de coeur.

English translation of Ils parlent des affaires de coeur.

They are talking about matters of the heart.

This phrase generally means that they are discussing love or emotional issues.

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