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English translation of choix


The French word 'choix' is used similarly to the English word 'choice', indicating the act of selecting or making a decision when faced with two or more possibilities. It can be used in different contexts. For instance, in daily conversations, politics, psychology, and philosophy.

Example sentences using: choix

Choix difficile que de choisir entre le cinéma ou le théâtre.

English translation of Choix difficile que de choisir entre le cinéma ou le théâtre.

Difficult choice to choose between cinema or theatre.

Here, 'choix' is used to denote a difficult decision or dilemma that the speaker is facing about choosing between two activities.

Le choix des électeurs a été clairement exprimé.

English translation of Le choix des électeurs a été clairement exprimé.

The choice of the voters has been clearly expressed.

In this context, 'choix' refers to the decision made by the voters in an election or poll.

Faire un choix judicieux est souvent difficile.

English translation of Faire un choix judicieux est souvent difficile.

Making a wise choice is often difficult.

This sentence signifies the challenges of making a smart or fair decision, using 'choix' to mean 'choice' or 'decision'.

Le choix de la robe pour le mariage est crucial.

English translation of Le choix de la robe pour le mariage est crucial.

The choice of the dress for the wedding is crucial.

This instance uses 'choix' to emphasize the significance of selecting a wedding dress. It implies that this decision can have a big impact.

Le choix du menu pour le déjeuner est à vous.

English translation of Le choix du menu pour le déjeuner est à vous.

The choice of the lunch menu is yours.

In this sentence, 'choix' represents a decision to be made by the person to whom the sentence is addressed. They are given the authority to select the lunch menu.

Respectons le choix de chacun.

English translation of Respectons le choix de chacun.

Respect everyone's choices.

The term 'choix' here is used in collective sense to include the decisions of all individuals. The sentence calls for respecting everyone's personal decisions.

Votre choix musical reflète votre personnalité.

English translation of Votre choix musical reflète votre personnalité.

Your choice in music reflects your personality.

In this context, 'choix' is used to refer to the preference in music. The sentence suggests that one's musicchoices can say a lot about their personality.

J'ai le choix de dîner à la maison ou au restaurant.

English translation of J'ai le choix de dîner à la maison ou au restaurant.

I have the choice of having dinner at home or at a restaurant.

This sentence uses the word 'choix' to mean 'choice' or 'option'. It implies the speaker has the freedom to decide where they want to have their dinner.

Quant à moi, mon choix serait de voyager autour du monde.

English translation of Quant à moi, mon choix serait de voyager autour du monde.

As for me, my choice would be to travel around the world.

In this sentence, 'choix' is used as a personal preference or desire. The speaker is expressing their wish to travel.

Le choix du sujet pour le débat est important.

English translation of Le choix du sujet pour le débat est important.

The choice of the topic for the debate is important.

This sentence emphasizes the importance of the decision ('choix') related to the selection of the debate topic. It suggests that this decision can significantly impact the debate.

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