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English translation of choisir


The French word 'choisir' is used in context in a very similar way to 'pick' in English. It can be used to indicate personal selection or preference in a variety of situations, such as picking a colour ('choisir une couleur') or picking a book ('choisir un livre'). Just as 'pick' can indicate a selection or choice, so can 'choisir' in French.

Example sentences using: choisir

Il est important de bien choisir son université.

English translation of Il est important de bien choisir son université.

It is important to choose your university well.

This sentence implies the importance of making a good decision while selecting your university because it can greatly impact your career and future. 'Bien choisir' means to choose wisely or well.

Nous devons choisir entre le moindre de deux maux.

English translation of Nous devons choisir entre le moindre de deux maux.

We must choose between the lesser of two evils.

This expression conveys that sometimes you have to make a decision between two unpleasant options. In French, 'le moindre de deux maux' is the equivalent of the English 'lesser of two evils'.

Je vais choisir une robe pour la fête.

English translation of Je vais choisir une robe pour la fête.

I am going to choose a dress for the party.

In this sentence, the speaker is explaining her future action of selecting a dress for a particular event (a party). 'Choisir' in this context reflects on making a personal selection.

Vous avez le droit de choisir votre chemin.

English translation of Vous avez le droit de choisir votre chemin.

You have the right to choose your path.

This sentence emphasizes personal autonomy in choosing one's own life path or career. 'Chemin' can imply a literal path or a metaphorical life direction.

Il faut choisir des mots prudemment.

English translation of Il faut choisir des mots prudemment.

One needs to choose words carefully.

The statement stresses on the importance of speaking thoughtfully and carefully selecting our words. In French, 'prudemment' means 'carefully'.

Elle peut choisir ce qu'elle veut manger.

English translation of Elle peut choisir ce qu'elle veut manger.

She can choose what she wants to eat.

This sentence suggests that the girl has the autonomy to decide what she would like to eat. Here, 'choisir' indicates the selection of food.

Les enfants aiment choisir leurs jouets.

English translation of Les enfants aiment choisir leurs jouets.

Children like to choose their toys.

The phrase expresses the joy that children find in making their own choice when it comes to picking their toys.

Nous pourrions choisir une autre date.

English translation of Nous pourrions choisir une autre date.

We could choose another date.

This sentence implies the possibility of selecting an alternative date, often due to a conflict with the current one. 'Pourrions choisir' is a conditional phrase meaning 'could choose'.

Je dois choisir une couleur pour ma chambre.

English translation of Je dois choisir une couleur pour ma chambre.

I have to choose a color for my room.

In this statement, the speaker needs to make a decision about the color of their room. 'Choisir' here relates to picking a color.

Il est difficile de choisir un livre parmi tant d'options.

English translation of Il est difficile de choisir un livre parmi tant d'options.

It is difficult to choose a book among so many options.

This phrase describes the challenge of making choices when given a wide variety of options, in this case, a book.

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