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chocolat chaud

English translation of chocolat chaud

hot cocoa

The French word for 'hot cocoa' is 'chocolat chaud'. It is pronounced as sho-ko-la sho. Just like in English, it can be used in any context where you are referring to a warm, sweet beverage made from chocolate or cocoa powder and milk.

Example sentences using: chocolat chaud

Le matin, rien de mieux que du chocolat chaud pour me réveiller.

English translation of Le matin, rien de mieux que du chocolat chaud pour me réveiller.

In the morning, nothing is better than hot chocolate to wake me up.

In this sentence, the speaker is expressing their opinion that hot chocolate is the best thing to get them going in the morning.

Je vais faire du chocolat chaud pour les enfants.

English translation of Je vais faire du chocolat chaud pour les enfants.

I'm going to make hot chocolate for the children.

This sentence is an example of expressing intentions for the future, in this case, making hot chocolate for the children.

Avec du chocolat chaud, les matin d'hiver sont plus agréables.

English translation of Avec du chocolat chaud, les matin d'hiver sont plus agréables.

With hot chocolate, winter mornings are more enjoyable.

This sentence is suggesting that hot chocolate can make winter mornings better.

Quand il fait froid dehors, rien n'est plus réconfortant que du chocolat chaud.

English translation of Quand il fait froid dehors, rien n'est plus réconfortant que du chocolat chaud.

When it's cold outside, nothing is more comforting than hot chocolate.

In this sentence, the speaker expresses the idea that hot chocolate is especially comforting when it's cold.

Le chocolat chaud est le compagnon idéal pour un bon livre.

English translation of Le chocolat chaud est le compagnon idéal pour un bon livre.

Hot chocolate is the perfect companion for a good book.

In this statement, the speaker suggests that hot chocolate and a good book go well together.

Sarah adore le chocolat chaud avec des marshmallows.

English translation of Sarah adore le chocolat chaud avec des marshmallows.

Sarah loves hot chocolate with marshmallows.

In this sentence, the speaker describes someone's (Sarah) preference for hot chocolate with marshmallows.

N'oublie pas d'ajouter du lait au chocolat chaud.

English translation of N'oublie pas d'ajouter du lait au chocolat chaud.

Don't forget to add milk to the hot chocolate.

In this instruction, the speaker orders that milk should not be omitted when making hot chocolate.

Le chocolat chaud me rappelle mon enfance.

English translation of Le chocolat chaud me rappelle mon enfance.

Hot chocolate reminds me of my childhood.

In this statement, the speaker associates hot chocolate with memories from their childhood.

J'aime boire du chocolat chaud pendant l'hiver.

English translation of J'aime boire du chocolat chaud pendant l'hiver.

I like to drink hot chocolate during the winter.

This sentence expresses personal preference for a certain drink during a certain season of the year.

Le chocolat chaud maison a une saveur spéciale.

English translation of Le chocolat chaud maison a une saveur spéciale.

Homemade hot chocolate has a special flavor.

In this example, the speaker mentions the unique taste of a homemade hot drink, hot chocolate.

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