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English translation of chien


The French word 'chien' is used in the same way the English word 'dog' is used. It represents a domestic animal which is a man's best friend. It may be used in various contexts, such as 'Mon chien' (My dog) or 'Un chien méchant' (A nasty dog).

Example sentences using: chien

Ils ont deux chiens.

English translation of Ils ont deux chiens.

They have two dogs.

This sentence informs about the number of dogs owned by a group of people or a family.

Le chat a peur du chien.

English translation of Le chat a peur du chien.

The cat is afraid of the dog.

This sentence describes the relationship between a cat and a dog, where the cat fears the dog.

Le chien est dans le jardin.

English translation of Le chien est dans le jardin.

The dog is in the garden.

This sentence is a simple statement providing information about the location of the dog, which is in the garden.

J'aimerais adopter un chien.

English translation of J'aimerais adopter un chien.

I would like to adopt a dog.

This sentence shows the speaker's intention or desire to adopt a dog.

Le chien est le meilleur ami de l'homme.

English translation of Le chien est le meilleur ami de l'homme.

The dog is man's best friend.

This is a common saying in English and French that illustrates the bond shared between humans and dogs.

Il fait du chien.

English translation of Il fait du chien.

It's really ugly (weather).

This is an idiomatic expression in French, which is used when the weather is particularly bad or unpleasant.

C'est un chien perdu sans collier.

English translation of C'est un chien perdu sans collier.

He's a lost dog without a collar.

This is a French expression used to describe someone who appears to be lost or without a place to belong.

Je promène le chien tous les matins.

English translation of Je promène le chien tous les matins.

I walk the dog every morning.

This sentence depicts a daily routine activity involving a dog, which is being walked every morning.

Mon chien aime jouer à la balle.

English translation of Mon chien aime jouer à la balle.

My dog loves to play ball.

This sentence expresses a fact about the speaker's dog, specifically its preference for playing with a ball.

Le chien de mon voisin aboie toujours la nuit.

English translation of Le chien de mon voisin aboie toujours la nuit.

My neighbour's dog always barks at night.

This sentence expresses the speaker's frustration about their neighbour's dog which consistently causes disturbances at nighttime due to its consistent barking.

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