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English translation of chat


In French, 'chat' is used to refer to a cat. It is a common noun and can be used in various contexts. Just like in English, it can be used to identify the common household pet. It is also masculine, so when describing a cat, use male adjectives.

Example sentences using: chat

Le chat est sur le tapis.

English translation of Le chat est sur le tapis.

The cat is on the rug.

This is a simple present tense sentence. In French, the verb 'est' denotes 'is', and 'sur' denotes 'on'.

Ce chat est très mignon.

English translation of Ce chat est très mignon.

This sentence uses the demonstrative adjective 'ce' to denote 'this'. 'Très' is an adverb that intensifies the adjective it precedes.


Je habe le chat gris.

English translation of Je habe le chat gris.

I like the grey cat.

The sentence demonstrates the use of the first person singular 'Je' and the expression 'aime', which means 'like'.

Où est le chat?

English translation of Où est le chat?

Where is the cat?

In this interrogative sentence, 'Où' is used to ask about the place or location.

Mon chat s'appelle Bella.

English translation of Mon chat s'appelle Bella.

My cat's name is Bella.

This sentence uses reflexive verb 's'appelle', which literally translates to 'calls itself', used here to express one's name.

Le chat mange la souris.

English translation of Le chat mange la souris.

The cat eats the mouse.

This sentence demonstrates the use of present tense verb form 'mange' which represents an ongoing or habitual action.

Le chat n'aime pas l'eau.

English translation of Le chat n'aime pas l'eau.

The cat does not like water.

The sentence uses negation 'n'aime pas' literally means 'does not like' to express dislikes.

Le chat noir est à moi.

English translation of Le chat noir est à moi.

The black cat is mine.

The sentence demonstrates the usage of possessive pronoun 'à moi' denoting 'mine' in English.

Le chat dort sur le canapé.

English translation of Le chat dort sur le canapé.

The cat sleeps on the couch.

This sentence uses the verb 'dort', which means 'sleeps' to express what the cat is doing.

Le chat court après la souris.

English translation of Le chat court après la souris.

The cat is chasing the mouse.

This sentence shows the use of verb 'court après', which means 'is chasing' to show action.

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