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English translation of chaise


The French word for chair is 'chaise'. This word is used similarly to how it's used in English, referring to a piece of furniture designed for one person to sit on. It can be used in various contexts, whether you're talking about the furniture in your home or a seat in a public space.

Example sentences using: chaise

Il est assis sur la chaise

English translation of Il est assis sur la chaise

He is sitting on the chair

This is a simple declarative sentence where the subject 'He' is doing the action of sitting on the chair.

La chaise est bleue

English translation of La chaise est bleue

The chair is blue

This sentence is describing the color of the chair.

Elle a cassé la chaise

English translation of Elle a cassé la chaise

She broke the chair

This sentence indicates that the subject 'She' is responsible for breaking the chair.

J'ai trouvé une chaise

English translation of J'ai trouvé une chaise

I found a chair

This sentence tells that the speaker discovered or came across a chair.

On a acheté cette chaise hier

English translation of On a acheté cette chaise hier

We bought this chair yesterday

This is a past tense sentence about a chair that was purchased the day before.

La chaise est confortable

English translation of La chaise est confortable

The chair is comfortable

This sentence is expressing the speaker's opinion about the comfort of the chair.

La vieille chaise est cassée

English translation of La vieille chaise est cassée

The old chair is broken

This sentence is describing the state of an old chair that is now unusable or broken.

Il manque une chaise

English translation of Il manque une chaise

A chair is missing

This statement is about a chair that isn't present where it's expected to be.

Range cette chaise

English translation of Range cette chaise

Put away this chair

This is an imperative sentence asking someone to move or store the chair.

La chaise se plie facilement

English translation of La chaise se plie facilement

The chair folds easily

This sentence is describing a characteristic of the chair, specifically, that it can easily be folded.

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