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English translation of ceci


The French word 'ceci' is commonly used to refer to something that is close to the speaker. It's generally used in a similar context that 'this' would be used in English. Remember, in French, all nouns have a gender so 'ceci' should match the gender and number of the noun it is paired with.

Example sentences using: ceci

Est-ce que ceci est à toi?

English translation of Est-ce que ceci est à toi?

Is this yours?

This phrase is a formal way of asking someone if an object or item belongs to them. 'Est-ce que' is a French word used at the beginning of a question to indicate that it is a question. 'Ceci' means 'this' and 'à toi' means 'yours'.

Ceci est mon livre préféré.

English translation of Ceci est mon livre préféré.

This is my favorite book.

This sentence is used when you are indicating or pointing to your favourite book. 'Ceci' means 'this', 'est' is 'is', 'mon livre préféré' translates to 'my favorite book'.

Je voudrais retourner ceci, s'il vous plaît.

English translation of Je voudrais retourner ceci, s'il vous plaît.

I would like to return this, please.

This phrase is commonly used in shops or stores when you want to return something. 'Je voudrais' means 'I would like', 'retourner' translates to 'return', 'ceci' is 'this' and 's'il vous plaît' is a polite form of 'please'.

Ceci est très important à comprendre.

English translation of Ceci est très important à comprendre.

This is very important to understand.

This sentence can be used to emphasize the importance of understanding a particular subject or situation. 'Ceci' stands for 'this', 'est' is 'is', 'très' translates to 'very', 'important à comprendre' means 'important to understand'.

Ceci ne fonctionne pas.

English translation of Ceci ne fonctionne pas.

This does not work.

This phrase is used when something isn't working or functioning properly. 'Ceci' is 'this', 'ne fonctionne pas' is a negative expression meaning 'does not work'.

Pouvez-vous trouver une erreur dans ceci?

English translation of Pouvez-vous trouver une erreur dans ceci?

Can you find a mistake in this?

This sentence is used when asking someone to check something for errors. 'Pouvez-vous' is a polite phrase meaning 'can you', 'trouver une erreur' means 'find a mistake', and 'dans ceci' translates to 'in this'.

Je ne peux pas croire ceci.

English translation of Je ne peux pas croire ceci.

I can't believe this.

This sentence is used to express disbelief in something. 'Je ne peux pas' translates to 'I can't', 'croire' is 'believe', and 'ceci' is 'this'.

Ceci semble être vrai.

English translation of Ceci semble être vrai.

This seems to be true.

In this sentence, you express that something appears to be true. 'Ceci' means 'this', 'semble' translates to 'seems', 'être' is 'to be', and 'vrai' means 'true'.

Ceci est tout ce que j'ai.

English translation of Ceci est tout ce que j'ai.

This is all I have.

This phrase is said when you are indicating that you have nothing more than 'this'. 'Ceci' means 'this', 'est tout ce que j'ai' translates to 'is all I have'.

Ceci est pour toi.

English translation of Ceci est pour toi.

This is for you.

This phrase is used when you are giving something to someone. 'Ceci' means 'this', 'est pour toi' translates to 'is for you'.

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