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English translation of capacité


The French word for 'ability' is 'capacité'. It is used in various contexts to discuss someone's skills or capabilities. Similar to English, it can be used both in terms of physical abilities, like 'la capacité à courir' meaning 'the ability to run', as well as mental, like 'la capacité à comprendre' which translates to 'the ability to understand'. In addition to this, 'capacité' can also refer to capacity or volume in certain contexts.

Example sentences using: capacité

La capacité de ce stade est de 50 000 personnes.

English translation of La capacité de ce stade est de 50 000 personnes.

The capacity of this stadium is 50,000 people.

This phrase is used to describe the maximum number of people that a particular stadium can accommodate at once.

Il est important de connaître sa propre capacité d'apprentissage.

English translation of Il est important de connaître sa propre capacité d'apprentissage.

It is important to know your own learning capacity.

This sentence entails understanding one's personal ability or pace to learn and absorb new information.

Il a dépassé sa capacité à gérer le stress au travail.

English translation of Il a dépassé sa capacité à gérer le stress au travail.

He has exceeded his capacity to handle stress at work.

This phrase is used to indicate that someone is under more stress at work than they can cope with.

Le réservoir a une capacité de 25 litres.

English translation of Le réservoir a une capacité de 25 litres.

The tank has a capacity of 25 liters.

This example implies that the tank can hold up to 25 liters of a substance like gas, water, etc.

Ce travail dépasse ma capacité.

English translation of Ce travail dépasse ma capacité.

This job is beyond my ability.

This sentence is used to express that the work or job in question is more difficult or demanding than what the speaker can manage or is skilled for.

La salle de cinéma a une grande capacité.

English translation of La salle de cinéma a une grande capacité.

The cinema hall has a large capacity.

This phrase is utilized when the cinema hall can accommodate a substantial number of viewers at a time.

Chacun de nous a la capacité d'apporter un changement.

English translation of Chacun de nous a la capacité d'apporter un changement.

Each of us has the capacity to bring about change.

This implies that everyone has the potential or power to effect change if they choose to act on it.

La capacité de cette machine est impressionnante.

English translation of La capacité de cette machine est impressionnante.

The capacity of this machine is impressive.

This sentence describes a machine's ability to perform its functions or tasks as being notable or commendable.

Elle a la capacité de résoudre des problèmes logiques facilement.

English translation of Elle a la capacité de résoudre des problèmes logiques facilement.

She has the ability to solve logical problems easily.

This sentence highlights the individual's extraordinary talent in dealing with problems or challenges that involve logic or reasoning.

Elle a la capacité d'apprendre rapidement les langues.

English translation of Elle a la capacité d'apprendre rapidement les langues.

She has the ability to learn languages quickly.

This sentence states that the individual, referred to as 'she', possesses a notable talent or skill which enables her to acquire languages in a shorter duration than usual.

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