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English translation of campagne


The French word 'campagne' is used in the same way as the English word 'campaign'. It is generally used to refer to an organized effort towards a particular goal, such as a political campaign ('campagne électorale') or advertising campaign ('campagne publicitaire'). Like in English, it can also refer to the countryside or rural areas.

Example sentences using: campagne

Ma grand-mère habite à la campagne.

English translation of Ma grand-mère habite à la campagne.

My grandmother lives in the countryside.

Here, 'campagne' also refers to the countryside or a rural area. People in France often have family members who live in rural areas, so this sentence may often show up in discussions about family members and where they live.

Les produits de la campagne sont souvent meilleurs.

English translation of Les produits de la campagne sont souvent meilleurs.

The products from the countryside are often better.

In this sentence, 'campagne' refers to rural areas where a lot of farming takes place, hence the reference to 'produits de la campagne'. This is a common sentiment due to the perception that these products are fresh and of high quality.

La beauté de la campagne française est incontestable.

English translation of La beauté de la campagne française est incontestable.

The beauty of the French countryside is undeniable.

Here, 'campagne' refers to the picturesque rural areas or countryside of France. The French countryside is noted for its scenic beauty, hence its use in such contexts.

Il a mené une campagne électorale intense.

English translation of Il a mené une campagne électorale intense.

In this example, 'campagne' is used in a different context, it refers to a political campaign. The sentence can be used during political discourses.


J'adore le vin de campagne.

English translation of J'adore le vin de campagne.

I love country wine.

In this context 'campagne' refers to a country or rural region, often associated with wine production. This phrase can be used when discussing personal preferences or discussing wine.

La campagne pour le droit des animaux a été un succès.

English translation of La campagne pour le droit des animaux a été un succès.

The campaign for animal rights was a success.

Here 'campagne' is used to refer to a campaign or a drive with a goal. In this case, the phrase can be used when discussing social issues or movements.

La vie à la campagne est différente de la vie en ville.

English translation of La vie à la campagne est différente de la vie en ville.

Life in the countryside is different from city life.

The phrase uses 'campagne' to refer to the countryside. It can be used when comparing lifestyles between city and rural areas.

Il y a moins de pollution à la campagne.

English translation of Il y a moins de pollution à la campagne.

There is less pollution in the countryside.

Here, 'campagne' means countryside. The phrase is used to highlight environmental issues comparing urban and rural areas.

Nous avons lancé une campagne de financement participatif pour notre projet.

English translation of Nous avons lancé une campagne de financement participatif pour notre projet.

We have launched a crowdfunding campaign for our project.

In this context, 'campagne' refers to a campaign or concerted effort to raise funds. The phrase is typically used in discussions about business, entrepreneurship, and fundraising.

Nous allons passer nos vacances d'été à la campagne.

English translation of Nous allons passer nos vacances d'été à la campagne.

We are going to spend our summer vacation in the countryside.

In this sentence, 'campagne' refers to the rural areas or countryside, which is often used in contrast with the city or town. This phrase commonly occurs in discussions of vacations and travel.

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